Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aloha from Missouri Girls!

Hi Michelle & Hannah!

We are in Jameson, Missouri now. We are staying on a beautiful farm for 2 days and nights. There are some cows on this farm and one of the cows is named Eva and Eva has a new baby calf named Stew! When the farmer calls Eva's name, Eva comes running because Eva knows she will get food.

The farmer also has a dog named Rusty who is big with long orange colored fur. Even though Rusty is big he is very friendly.

Missouri is a very beautiful place. They grow many thing around this area - soy beans, hay, corn. There are not alot of houses - just farms every few miles. You would enjoy this place because you love animals!

Last night we had a fun activity here at the farm. Uncle Manu and Aunty kookie taught everyone how to do a Samoan dance.

We will be home in 3 days - on Sunday night.

I know you are both being kind and obedient. I love you both - you are such wonderful girls - but the thing I like best about you is that you are both so kind.


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