Monday, November 22, 2010

Home again

So I was in Washington D.C. last week. had an all day meeting then on Saturday did a private D.C. Tour - I've been to D.C. many times, have seen the monuments etc. but this was the first time I had been on a tour like this. I used Vera - Gene and I had used her last May for a Lost Symbol Tour. She is a very smart young woman!

Anyway I think I enjoyed the Library of Congress the most - it is so beautiful inside - reminded me alot of Europe with all the murals, frescoes, etc.

It was a hard trip. Jst before I left I strained my back. Got a blessing from Gene and in his prayer he asked that I might be able to travel in comfort. THAT WORKED! While I was on planes, I was pretty good. However, when I had to walk or transition from sitting to walking it was tough.

Because the back hurt I started walking weird - which led to pain in my lower back and legs. I went and got a massage on Friday afternoon at a nearby spa and that helped alot. But after Saturday's tour I was walking like someone who needed a hip replacement. I had another massage (in-room) on Saturday night - too hurting to go to the spa. That massage was worth nothing. The gir was lousy - too into the "energy" and her won deep breathing.

Anyway I made it home and today I will get real comfort from dear Rochelle my massage therapist friend who will definitely hurt me to help me.

Oh and the Mossman Ohana Trip to Scotland next October - already 24 people have expressed an interest!!!! So the research begins as to lodging etc. Praying that airfares come down.

My friend's mother died. I am speaking at her funeral tomorrow. I am not yet prepared but will be tomorrow.

Ohana Reunion Planning Committee meeting tomorrow night - it will be good to get together with the expanded group.

Am in charge of the ward Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday...imu turkey...mmm,mmm good!

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