Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trying to Catch My Breath

Its been a whirlwind! Yesterday spent all day taking a friend to various medical tests in town. Today I went to help a friend dress her mother's body for funeral. Usually wear white when we do this - and I thought "oh no, I gotta go buy a white muumuu" then I remembered that I wore a white muumuu when my mom died - now where is it?

At the back of my closet I found it! Still fit - thanks to weight loss 2010! But - small yellow age stains on it...oh no! Then I remembered something about lemon juice and the sun.

So I doused it in lemon juice and hung it on the line. 2 hours later - voila! White as snow!

Got to the mortuary by 2:00 then raced home to meet Hannah's bus at 3:45.

Tonight I'm going to a community council meeting with a friend - she'll owe me big time for this.

Tomorrow - taking the Monday friend back to hospital then racing back to Kaneohe for the funeral and then to Laie for burial and then racing to pick up Gabe to take him for his driver's license test (beware!!!) by 3:00.

The rest of the week isn't much better - huge engineering banquet on Sunday that I'm in charge of - then next week I'm on the speakers circuit - giving FASD workshops - and preparing for a tradeshow the following week.


But am grateful for:
  1. Back and leg improving!!
  2. Supportive husband (he's da best!)
  3. Kids are being so great (no dramas!)
  4. Susan's a huge help
  5. Gabe's busy with rehearsals (so he's not in my hair!)

But one bad thing - I was late emailing Jacob today =(

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