Friday, April 8, 2011


Michelle got one of these for Christmas. An Apple Ipad.
She loves it and uses it constantly - for school work, to listed to music, watch videos, play games - just everything.

The other day she told me it would no longer take a charge. So I took it into the Apple Store. The guy at the genius bar took it out of the case to look at it and test it. He discovered dents in the back and near where the charger link is - probably the cause of the problem.

The unit had obviously been dropped...which nullifies the warranty. Replacement would be $269.

I didn't put up a fuss because I'm sure Michelle had dropped it. I told the guy I would pay the $269 and explained that Michelle was disabled so I'm sure was not as careful with it as she should have been. I told him she loved it and used it all the time and she is such a good girl so it was worth the $269 to get it replaced.

He went to get the replacement - brought it to me and said, "We are going to make an exception because of your daughter's condition - we are replacing the damaged one with this brand new one - at no charge".

I cried, gave him a big hug and walked out feeling all warm and fuzzy.

Apple rocks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is so cool! what a great example to other businesses.