Friday, April 15, 2011

Ginny and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

The worst day of my life was April 9, 1999 - the day we lost our son Michael.

The next worst day was in 2008 when we got some bad news about a relative.

The third worst day was Feb. 28, 1996 when my mother died.

Today is the 4th worst day.

Someone told a lie about me - called CPS and reported that I neglect Hannah and don't supervise her. I know who did it and why. They did it out of pure vengeance because they were mad about a stand I had to take in regards to Hannah.

I may be bossy, pushy and demanding but I am NOT neglectful. I am a good mother.

CPS quickly closed the file when I told them who I thought made the report and why. They actually confirmed my suspicion in an unmistakeable way.

But still - to think someone hates you soooo much that they would try to hurt your family in such a terrible way!

Lots of tears today...Lots of lessons to be learned here...but still...right now - it sucks to be me.

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