Monday, June 6, 2011

Good Medicine

I have a super bad cold.

This morning I decided I'd hurry and clean the house, do the wash and then go back to bed.

I did and was sleeping soundly when I was awakened by the phone. Ugh!

But it was my cousin Leilani in Florida and she was just calling to say hi and howzit going and we talked for about 15 minutes and it was just what I needed to make me feel better.

Why? Because Leilani is such a positive person - nothing gets her down - not her cancer which she has been battling for years, not her back problems which leave her incapacitated sometimes, not the fact that her husband is out of work.

Amazing lady.

But then I got to thinking maybe these things do get her down at times and she chooses to deal with them by lifting others with her positive inspirational spirit.
Either way - it's good medicine.

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