Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with George and Susan coming over - Jacob had to work - we had leftovers from Thursday.

Susan and George came back early Sunday and we opened presents and had brunch (Steve and Azeema and Brandi joined us) then went to church. Gabe sang in the choir and I gave a talk.

Came home and just relaxed. Most enjoyable, stress free and peaceful Christmas in recent memory.

Monday was a work holiday so Gene was home - both boys went to work. We had a nice day - I didn't worry about the mess from all the girls' new toys and stuff. Just let them enjoy themselves.

Hannah has a cold so she stayed home from school today and we put all the new toys away, got rid of the boxes and threw out old stuff. Very productive day!

Unfortunately, she had a big seizure tonight, hit her head on the dining room table and started bleeding bad. So ended up rushing her to emergency where they put 3 staples in her head and sent us home. She's such a trooper!

She'll have to stay home tomorrow and has to see the Dr. on Thursday. Wish we could get these seizures to stop. They are much more intense now then they have ever been before. I wish we could get another neurologist...

1 comment:

Bunch of Bradys said...

Sorry to hear about the seizures. Way to be a trooper Hannah. Hang in there!