Thursday, June 28, 2012


What's better than ONE  12-layer Ultimate Coconut Cake from the 
Peninsula Grill in Charleston South Carolina?


First one came on Monday (ordered by Gene) for my birthday.

Second one came TODAY (ordered by my sweet Ruth Ann) for my post-birthday!  I think she knew I was going to share the first one with my Hawaiian class last night and would need a spare for home :)

Am I blessed or what?
(Glad I swam that extra 15 minutes today!)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Big Day

Today is my birthday.  I got a beautiful card and gift from my cousin in Las Vegas. Love her like a sister.  A funny card from Gene.  A sweet card and gift from Leo.

This morning I will jump in the pool - miss my pool exercise after a weekend off.

Tonight Gene and I are going with our friend Dan to Hapa Grill.  Dan is an FAS expert here doing training.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 California Visit with Stephanie, Bill, Alo, Laura & Susan!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Look Out World

Michelle got a cell phone.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hannah Thinking "Save Me Please"


You know how you make one of all the essential things you have to do before you leave on a trip and then as the time approaches you start crossing things off, not because you've done them but because you're so frantic that you've now decided maybe they're not so essential after all?

THAT list.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


So sad thinking about tomorrow night when Jacob leaves.  I will miss having this wonderful son around.  What a blessing he has been in my life.  He is such a humble and kind person.  My hero.

So happy thinking about tomorrow night when Jacob leaves.  I am happy that he has found a girl that he loves.  I am happy that she loves him.  I am happy that her family does too.  I am happy that he is about to embark on a new adventure and life.

But still - thinking about him not being here -
a bit of my mother heart is breaking.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lesson Five

E ho'omaupopo
I kou ha'i na'au.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Tonight off Waikiki - celebrating some Japanese company's convention.  I saw an update online that it was the largest fireworks display in Hawaii.  And it was!  We went after Family Home Evening.
It was wonderful! Better than Disneyworld!
It lit up the entire beach!

High Gear

  • Talked to Susan - she's doing well!  Will see her in about 10 days :)
  • Gabe is sooo busy in rehearsals and his Conservatory program during the days.  He has trained to take over Jacob's position as projectionist at the movie theater.  He does it solo on Saturday.  He's a little nervous.
  • Michelle is supposed to go camping overnight for church Youth Conference.  She asked her Young Women's leader if she could bring her iPad - she's not happy that there will be no electricity to use it and no internet to access her shows.
  • Ordered Hannah's helmet - $132 plus shipping - yikes!
  • Jacob's getting ready to leave - sad about that one.
  • And tonight is Family Home Evening with the Medals and Steve and Azeema are coming over.  I'm making the dinner and Medals are bringing dessert.
  • By all accounts - I am still Heavenly Father's favorite :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lesson Four

And I really like this one -

E malama
i kou kuleana pono'i