Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking Back on 2012

When I think about the last year the big things that stand out are:
Hannah's seizures - which are many and severe but despite them - she is a Trooper!

Michelle and her phone and her friends - text message queen and social butterfly via phone to her 2 friends Erin and "Jazzy-pooh"- We have waited 10 years for her to have FRIENDS

Gabe Graduated!

Went to Wales with our ohana!

Gene's illness kept him down all summer - but he's still alive and kickin'

Bobby died. 

 Gabe's play HONK! - he's been in many but this was my favorite.

And a few other things ...
  • Old people - taking care of my 84 year old friend Kimie 3 nights a week, helping my friend 85 year old friend Marcella with her dr. appointments and also going to her high school reunion luncheon (class of 1945!) - made me appreciate my health
  • Family vacation at Disneyland - enjoyed by all - and immortalized on a wonderful photo collage Susan gave me for Christmas.
  • Swimming - I have come to love my morning swims!  I can't believe how much it has helped my previously aching muscles.
  • AA EXP Facebook Page - wow!  I am learning so much about the ins and outs of AA and travel in general from these AA experts!!  Can't believe my good luck in getting the invite to join that closed group.
  • Seeing Les Mis onstage in Costa Mesa with my brother Bill - so glad he was smart enough to get the redemption message of the play!
  • Les Mis movie opening! - seen it twice - probably a 3rd time today...can't wait for the DVD ;-)

Once again, we Wrights have been tremendously blessed...healthy, comfortable, hopefully wiser.  Not without our challenges and sorrows - but always watched over and loved - proving once again that I MUST be Heavenly Father's favorite.

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