Saturday, February 23, 2013

Got A Friend

S.B. comes to visit Hawaii once a year.  We have lunch.  And talk and talk and talk.  Catch up on our families.  Known her for 25 years or so.

The kind of friend you learn from.  The kind that has been such a role model in my life (and she's waaaay younger).  I always feel better after being around her - been that way since the very beginning.

Thankful for her.  When I grow up I want to be just like her.

Can't wait til our next lunch date - February 2014.

1 comment:

Rui Zhanglao said...

Oh, you're so sweet, Ginny! I LOVE our annual lunch date! I have so much fun catching up and laughing together. Except, you got it all're MY role model! I want to be as pretty and smart as you when I grow up! I hope you can come stay with us in March. XO,
S :)