Wednesday, September 9, 2009

From Jacob - But What Does It Mean?

Heya mom, wussup?

So i am in the mission field now. im really tired because we had to get up at four o clock yesterday and i havent had the oppourtunity to make up that sleep yet. -___-

so we taught our first family right after i got to my new place to stay (we are 4 elders liveing with the eggberts, really nice semi-elderly people themselves.) upon arriving at the house (of the family we were going to teach), i was promptly attacked by a middleaged man with a samurai sword O_O luckily in high school i was renown for my skills with the bo staff, and was able to defend myself. to bad i left my numchucks in my locker. anyways they were really nice people.

we went to another family and taught them, then on to a mexican family that could speak english, but decided to only talk in spanish =/. i sat and prayed for the gift of tongues for 35 mins while my companion taught them in spanish. i recognized the words "uno, si, and tacobell'

oh yes, and my firsty compy out of the MTC. He is from Brazil and speaks portuguese, learned spanish in the MTC, and is now learning english. and his first name is "Washington" -_O

i dont really get idaho humor yet, but i pretend to and laugh when everyone else does.

there was a cinnabon at the airport =D

My first area is a driving one, so that is pretty sweet for the most part. biking would be fun in the summer tho.

btw, can you find the notes for "Viktor's piano solo" from corpse bride and email it as an attachment please?

i went to walmart today and i bought enough food to last me till next transfer in 6 weeks. this time next week will be one month for me i just realized.

im not sure if you sent me any new info on that because we havent been able to check mail since last friday night in the MTC.

there are a lot of crazy people out there, and you must be as mad as a hatter to survive it. which luckily, i am >;)

so much to say and so little time! i'll send you my mailing address later (unless you already have it)

well, i love all of you guys. tell them i say "hi'

love, jake

p.s. i have realised that world domination is far too much responsibility for me.

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