Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jaob's Thanksgiving Greeting


so the work here is going good. lots of baptisms coming up in December (because its Christmas maybe?)

we left a pamphlet on the restoration with a potential investigator. and when we came back he actually read it. Blew my mind.

a cool thing i have realized is (and its not steryotpyping, just based on my experience) that every person we have met who speaks spanish believes in Jesus. its fact. the hard part is getting them to come to our church because they all also belive in tradition, doing things just because their parents did it that way. on the other hand white people as a rule are more rebellious and find great joy in doing things differently from their parents! but white pepole also belive in being unique, and because there are so many mormons in Idaho they tend to shy away sometimes. that and we dont offer as many shiny trinkets to decorate our house with like zen gardens or bhuddists shrines. unless you are from sons of provo, in which case "Mormons can be bhuddusts too!"

I say 'Less-Activessss' with a serpent like hiss at the end. sometimes its just like "GO TO CHURCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" and they are like "But i have watch TV"

and i love how when we give Book of mormon reading commitments we walk in on them watchin football and are like "Oh, we were working and i had to mow my lawn 3 days ago so i didnt have time to read 17 words which make up the 2 versus shich we said we would read so you would leave our house faster.

im just venting, everything is going great here tho =]

give everyone my love!

love yas, jake

p.s. When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, sit back, and let them wonder how you did it

p.p.s. Im not crazy, im just a LITTLE unwell -Matchbox 20, unwell

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