Monday, January 25, 2010

Top 45 Reasons I Find My Brother Steve Endearing

We had a belated Happy Birthday Party for my bro Steve yesterday. His birthday was really on the 19th.

He's 45!

So... Here's the Top 45 reasons I find him endearing:

45. He has a super blog you gotta check out
44. He doesn't borrow money
43. He has good teeth
42. He's not just entertaining - he's entertainment
41. He knows the theme song from Mannix
40. When he was like 13 he made really good chocolate eclairs
39. He gives REALLY good gifts
38. He stopped riding the bus
37. He knows alot of people by their first name only
36. He has a wacky wave
35. His hair is finally turning gray
34. He's an Asian chick magnet
33. He always brings something yummy when its potluck
32. He's a prompt person
31. His jokes are not even funny - but he thinks they are
30. He took care of my 2 little kids once when Gene & I left town
29. He gives me the best lei
28. He covers his mouth with his hand when he is talking with food in his mouth
27. He cannot whisper - ever
26. He sees most every movie that comes out
25. He reads hard books and knows hard words.
24. He goes by Kuhio - but doesn't get upset when I call him Steve
23. No tattoos!
22. He could talk nonsense with Jacob for hours - this is when they were both adults, not kids
21. He has kept Mom's legacy alive in the Hawaiian community
20. He's tall (sorry height-challenged men - I prefer tall)
19. He comes to all of Gabe's plays.
18. He remembers birthdays.
17. He went to see Hannah and Michelle participate in Special Olympics
16. He says "Hi" to everyone he sees - everyone
15. He eats whatever I fix
14. He doesn't stink
13. He cannot, I repeat- cannot - win at "Hi Henry"
12. He only knows people to whom English is a 2nd language
11. I can always count on him to bring a nonChristian to a Christian celebration at our home
10. He generously takes leftovers back to hungry students at East-West Center
9. He no longer rides a bike.
8. He told me who Bill W was. This after several people asked if I was a friend of Bill W.
7. He loves our family.
6. He laughs alot - often - and loudly.
5. He is not depressed event though the "good-looking" gene got diluted before it could reach him.
4. He is content with the fact that he cannot write prescriptions.
3. He would do anything for me.
2. He has really pretty and smart siblings.

And the Number One Reason I Find My Brother Steve To Be Endearing:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gene's Film Career

So here's what happened on the set of LOST.

He reported to the set at 10:30 a.m. last Friday. The scene was where the heavy set character gets an award as man of the year. (You'll have to excuse us cause we have never seen the show so don't know character names...). Anyway its a dinner party.

I think I told you (maybe) how 2 days before he (Gene) smashed up his face on the reef while snorkeling well he thought that would put a halt to his film career but he forgot that make up covers a thousand sins.

So anyway his first stop was make up - but they didn't need to touch his hair - they said those "waikiki waves" were perfect.

They spent the day shooting that same scene over and over again from different angles as well as a scene of the group exiting the banquet hall.

He said there were about 50 extras - all in tux and finery - and that throughout the filming he got paired with various women. He got to meet alot of people who do extra work all the time so he learned a few tips - like if you bring your own wardrobe you get more $ and if they film past 9:00 p.m. they have to feed you dinner.

His filming day finally ended at 9:30 p.m. - a total of 11 hours. He came home looking utterly exhausted.

His review of the experience:
1) Lunch was great! Prime rib!
2) Dinner was so-so. Sandwiches
3) More than 75% of the time was spent sitting around waiting
4) Not worth the pay -a whole $75 for the entire day!
5) People who do it regularly are crazy.

His final words on it: NEVER AGAIN!

Oh - and before you ask...they didn't even tell them when the episode would be on!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Just got Wailea Beach Marriott Resort & Spa for next Saturday night January 30 for $100 on Priceline!

Going over in the a.m. - Lavender Farm (cart tour with Alii Chang) at 10:30 - dinner reservations at Nick's Fishmarket at 6:00 p.m. (get to see my awesome cousin Trey!) Then back home Sunday morning.

Love it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Its Not That There's Nothing Going On

We have heard from Jacob - but I just haven't posted.

Gene did do his "Lost" filming last Friday - but I just haven't posted.

Susan did celebrate her 22nd birthday with a party - but I just haven't posted.

Gabe did get a lead part in the upcoming play "13" - but I just haven't posted.

Michelle is learning to sing & dance ("Glee style") to Single Ladies - but I just haven't posted.

Hannah has recently come up with some doozies (as far as her self talk) - but I just haven't posted.

Maybe after (or between) this week's tradeshow and the 4 Neighbor island trainings I am doing over the following two weeks I will have the time to post SOMETHING!!!

Oh - here's one - Giant Mossman Family Reunion (descendants of Captain Thomas James Mossman) in the works for Nov. 11-13, 2010. Cousin Boyd Mossman in charge...with assistance from the rest of us - let me know if you want to help.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Big Day

So today Gene is filming his big scene on "Lost". He went for wardrobe fitting the other day - they are altering a tux for him and providing the other things he needs to wear - including shoes!

They called him yesterday to tell him if he had a BMW or Mercedes that he could drive for another scene they could give him an extra $35. Too bad all we got is economy and family cars.

One funny thing - on Wednesday he went snorkeling out along the reef about 1 mile off of Bellows and slammed his face into the coral. Not pretty - his nose has a big gash and his forehead has a huge cut in it that looks like the outline of seagull wings. He thought that might put an end to his film career - but I told him they got something called MAKE-UP that should take care of it just fine. I'll try and sneak a picture of the walking wounded.

One more thing - when he went to be fitted for wardrobe he figured out why they wanted him - the other 3 guys who were also there for wardrobe fittings for today's filming were just like him - old haole men!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Star is Born (Again)

Well old Gene got another call back from the show "Lost". They want him for a dinner scene this Friday. They are filming at Koolau Golf Club.

He says he's gotta think about it...whaaaa the heck?

These stars can be so temperamental.


Went to the Elton John concert last week and I must say it was SUPERB!!!! He played almost 90 minutes - without sheet music! And, due to our ultra fantastic seats, closest you could get to the stage actually - and purchased the morning of the concert!!!! - we saw that although he does not need sheet music he DOES use a teleprompter for the words of the songs.

It was a sold out concert...and I think the average age of concert goers was 55! I kept thinking they should have more paramedics around with so many old people dancing - the booze for sale I am sure helped with that.

Anyway - tickets were expensive but totally WORTH IT.

And guess who else was there sitting right in front of us?
Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne (also Kelly Osbourne who is unbelievably skinny and petite from her post Dancing with the Stars gig - she really looked lovely - but sorry no pics)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


So since getting home last week Friday night I have been sick. Been sleeping most all day(s) and nights...

But there is a blessing...I've lost my voice!

I'll post again when I am able.