Thursday, September 30, 2010

Aloha from Missouri Girls!

Hi Michelle & Hannah!

We are in Jameson, Missouri now. We are staying on a beautiful farm for 2 days and nights. There are some cows on this farm and one of the cows is named Eva and Eva has a new baby calf named Stew! When the farmer calls Eva's name, Eva comes running because Eva knows she will get food.

The farmer also has a dog named Rusty who is big with long orange colored fur. Even though Rusty is big he is very friendly.

Missouri is a very beautiful place. They grow many thing around this area - soy beans, hay, corn. There are not alot of houses - just farms every few miles. You would enjoy this place because you love animals!

Last night we had a fun activity here at the farm. Uncle Manu and Aunty kookie taught everyone how to do a Samoan dance.

We will be home in 3 days - on Sunday night.

I know you are both being kind and obedient. I love you both - you are such wonderful girls - but the thing I like best about you is that you are both so kind.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Its Tuesday Girls!

We are in Rochester New York. It is very rainy here and we did not bring an umbrella!

Today we will go to Joseph Smith's old home and to the Hill Cumorah. We are having a nice time but miss you very much.

Last night we ate dinner at a place called Five Guys. Some people think Five Guys has the best hamburgers in the country. We do not agree. We like In-n-Out Burger so much more. Even the french fries at Five Guys were not as good as In-n-Out Burger.

We will be home on Sunday night. I hope you are having a nice time with Susan. I know you are being obedient at home and at school. I know you are being kind - you are both such kind loving girls.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Greetings Girls -

Hi Hannah & Michelle,

After 3 long airplane rides we arrived in Ohio yesterday. We visited Historic Kirtland Village where Joseph Smith once lived.

We are staying in a hotel called the Residence Inn. It has two bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Uncle Manu and Aunty Kookie are staying in one bedroom and Dad and I are in the other. The hotel has a free breakfast which I will go downstairs to eat in a few minutes.

Today we will visit the Kirtland Temple which was built by the early members of the church. Then we will drive to New York.

It is not too cold here but it definitely is fall here. The leaves are changing colors - red, yellow, orange. So pretty!

Did you have a nice Sunday with Susan? I hope you are being obedient and helpful. Remember to make your beds each morning. And remember to be kind.

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Sooooo In Love

And his name is MAC.

Yup - I'm lovin my MAC.

Should have made the switch long ago.

If you're thinking about it - JUST DO IT!


Had a busy week at the tradeshow and a good weekend.

Went to Kastle's mission farewell party. Kastle has been a good friend of Jacob's since Jacob was 4 years old. Kastle's mom Kookie is one of my best friends. Kastle has been called to serve in the Japan Nagoya mission.

Jacob's friend Colin also got his mission call - to Raleigh North Carolina!

And if that isn't enough great mission news...there's one more -

Telenoti Mafi (Sii to most of us) - my cousin Mellene's son has been called to the Guam Micronesia mission.

Feeling so blessed to know such fine young men.

Also this weekend I went to Gabe's play twice! It is really good - just so above and beyond anything he has ever done. And I have the best family - Uncle Kini, Aunty Judee, Candie and her girls, and Aunty Leo and two of her friends came out to see the show! So supportive! It meant so much to me and to Gabe.

This is Gabe's first play with a mostly adult cast - and it shows - the caliber of talent, maturity of singing voice and dance versatility is obvious. And for Gabe it has meant he comes home exhausted!!!

Only 2 more weeks of performances - although they might extend.

This week we're bust getting things settled before we leave on our trip to church history sites on Saturday. Really looking forward to that tour and spending time with good friends.

So grateful for all I have - especially the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings the knowledge of the gospel brings - that families can be together forever, that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and that I am never alone.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Where Did It Go?

The week I mean...

Monday - blur
Tuesday - blur
Wednesday - blur
Thursday - blur
Now it's TGIF!

But really, yesterday Michelle and Hannah gave great presentations in the Governor's Ceremonial Room at the FASD Awareness Day Proclamation Signing! And my sweet cousin Candie came with her 2 girls! So supportive! And Jill and Chad came too! Gotta love 'em.

I'll post pictures when I get them.

This weekend Gene got a cabin at Bellows - so maybe a little R&R.

Yesterday Michelle asked me for a computer and Gabe asked me for a plane ticket to the mainland for his Fall Break. my old boss used to say "Life's tough and then you die".

Saturday, September 4, 2010


What a great day it has been. We did...nothing different...

Horseback riding for Michelle from 9 - 10. She loves to trot!

Came home then went to Sam's Club.

Came home again and cleaned the fridge.

Made dinner (salmon of course) and that was that!

Oh but the one thing that made it GREAT was...

A hand written letter from Jacob!


Friday, September 3, 2010


Someone gave Michelle a wig for her birthday in May.
I had it hidden.

She found it.