Sunday, December 26, 2010

Something's Changed.

Its the closest to empty nest that we'll ever get.

Susan staying with friends in town.

Jacob on his mission in Idaho.

Gabe traveling this week in New York.

That leaves Thelma and Louise aka Hannah and Michelle.

It is quiet.

Thank goodness for ipads and ipods.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Michelle loves Glee - the t.v. show.
Since we don't have tv we just download the episodes to her ipod.

If you don't know the show -

Michelle loves singing all the songs from Glee -
but her favorites are
Poker Face,
Bad Romance
My Life Would Suck Without You.

I told her she has to stop singing
Like a Virgin
Papa Don't Preach.
Somehow the "like a virgin - touched for the very first time"
"Daddy please don't we're going to get married"
lines don't sound good coming from her mouth.

She says her sister Susan is Sue Sylvester
(cause of the hair not the name)

This is Sue Sylvester

She says Gene is Mr. Schuester
(again cause of the hair)

This is Mr. Schuester

She likes Mercedes - but spells her name Peresaides
(pretty good when you consider Michelle has a severe hearing loss)

This is Peresaides/Mercedes

She calls herself Rachel Berry - who she sometimes says is
the greatest singer in the world
and other times says is
the most beautiful singer in the world.

This is Rachel Berry

She says I am Rachel Berry's mom.

This is Rachel's mom (my twin)

Sometimes she calls herself Quin Fabray
(no doubt because Quin had a baby)

This is Quin.

She says her boyfriend is Finn Hudson.

This is Finn.

But she (Michelle) got in a HUGE fight with Hannah yesterday because Hannah said she (Hannah) was Santana and her (Hannah's) boyfriend is Puck.

This is Puck and Santana.

Michelle has no tolerance for people invading her fantasy world.

Of course if you don't watch the show then
you have NO idea what I am talking about...
GET WITH THE PROGRAM! (pun intended)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Kindness of Strangers

Got this email this morning from a wonderful stranger -

Hi Sister Wright!

My name is Starla Jeppson and I live in Boise, Idaho. My husband is the ward mission leader and we made breakfast for our missionaries this morning and they are having their meeting right now with him, going over the members of our ward. Your son was just transferred into our area at the last transfers, but I thought you would like to hear that he is warm, fed, and doing the Lord's work over here! :D He seems like a very nice elder...we look forward to working with him more here in our ward.
We also have a son out serving a mission, he is in Nicaragua, and I know I would LOVE to get a picture of him, so I am including the two pictures I took this morning. I took the first one, then told them both to smile! :D His message to you is: "You are you from me. TTYL!"

Have a wonderful Christmas phone call!

A fellow missionary mom,

And here's the photo
I am totally going to do this when missionaries come over to our house!
Means so much to their families (moms especially)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Rain and More Rain

It has been raining for 3 days straight - heavy, heavy rain. I am grateful for a roof that doesn't leak, walls and windows that protect us from the wet and wind. I am grateful that the electricity hasn't gone out - although it went out 3 times at Ala Moana Shopping Center I hear.

Its nice snuggle weather.

Friday, December 17, 2010

30 days

Today marks 30 days since I got my back/leg injury. It has been a challenging and rewarding 30 days.

I was forced to slow down and rest - that has been a great blessing. I feel quite relaxed despite the pain - and I have yet to get bored.

My family has been so supportive and helpful to me.

I learned that the bed we have is too soft - so the last week I moved to the couch. I think Santa will bring a very firm futon bed for Christmas.

I am doing so much better and am pleased with my recovery. My aim now is to continue gaining strength and hopefully have feeling return to my left leg from my hip down.

I am planning a trip to Utah next week for a wedding - I'll be driving up from Las Vegas with my cousin - will probably have to stop a bunch of times and stretch but I think I can do it.

Wish me well.

Next Up!

Exciting news - Gabe got the lead role in Castle Performing Arts Center's spring production of the musical Brigadoon! The part is the role of Tommy Albright (played on the silver screen by Gene Kelly).

Gabe is thrilled since he said its always been a dream of his to get a Gene Kelly role. To him Gene Kelly is the total package - actor, singer, dancer.

He's been taking voice lessons to extend his singing range - and it seems to have paid off. He's gotta take tap dancing now but he feels pretty confident that that will go well - he is a good dancer.

Show runs every weekend from March 25-April 10.

So guess who'll be 3rd row center seat for all 9 performances? Anyone care to join me?

Where's George?

I got one of those dollar bills that has "" stamped on it. And if you go to that website you can track where the bill has been.

I was very excited to get it - I had gotten one before and accidentally spent it before I could go online to track its history.

So I checked online and found that this particular dollar bill originally entered into the where's george program on March 23, 2010 and in those 239 days it has traveled....wait for it...a total of 7.3 miles!!! All the way from Honolulu.

Talk about disappointing!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Funniest Thing Ever!

Susan was going to the store so I asked her to buy me a can of Orange Crush.

As she walked out of the door with Hannah she said, "Hannah, help me remember to buy mom a can of orange crush."

I don't know which is funnier - Susan asking Hannah to remember OR Susan actually thinking Hannah can remember.

You gotta know both girls to appreciate the humor.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tis the Season

The tree is up - thanks to Gabe and Michelle. And I was such a good mom I only rearranged like 6 ornaments.

Of course pine needles are everywhere...

There was a storm that passed through here last night - thunder and lightning all night long...

Got an adorable Christmas card from our nephew Cody and his cute family in Utah and an equally cute one from cousin Lisa and her family...

And with only 15 days left until Christmas I'm just starting to think about shopping. Hoping to do most of it online this year. My leg/back isn't really up to mall shopping yet...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can't Believe It!

Am doing sooooooo much better today - could it be the pain meds?

I am doing just what the physical therapist told me to do - certain stretches every half hour. I can sit for 20 minutes with a towel rolled at the small of my back!

Still numb but all in all doing so much better!

And...yesterday I got a text on my phone from a lady in Idaho who had just had lunch with Jacob and his companion - and she sent me this picture!
His hair is longer than I've ever seen it!

Monday, December 6, 2010

On the Mend

Had my first physical therapy session today and it went well! Got lots of recommendations etc. I'll have this beat in no time!

My immediate goal is to be able to drive 5 miles without pain. I can do this.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Something I Heard in the Night

The other night I kept hearing Elvis (the dog) barking. After several hours I went out to look. I opened the door, turned on the light and a little dog ran in the house! I am not an animal lover but this dog was a cutie and obviously belonged to someone.

Luckily he had a tag - I called the number on the tag and it actually was a neighbor 2 houses down. She was in the hospital but said her sister in law was supposed to be watching the dog. Even though this lady had been our neighbor for maybe 4 years we had never seen this little dog - she kept him inside.

It was 4 in the morning - and our dog lover Michelle was asleep - what to do??? We were so tempted to wake her up - and finally gave in to that temptation. She thought she was dreaming!

Someone came to pick up the dog later that morning and Michelle cried when She came home from school and realized Lucien Lau was gone.


So I am on a steroid, pain killers and about to start 8 weeks of PT for pinched L4 nerve and blown disc. Also found out I have severe arthritis in my back. I think the steroids are starting to work and I really haven't had to take the pain meds much. Things are looking up!

Gene was dear - yesterday there was a breakfast meeting that I HAD to attend for work and he took the day off to drive me, with for me and bring me home. (Can't drive on the meds). He's a keeper alright!

I was supposed to leave for Washington D.C. on Sunday for FASD meetings but had to cancel because of my back problems...

No Christmas tree yet but hopefully tonight - it will be fun decorating it. I like the LIGHTS!

Am looking forward to 22 days from now when we get to talk to Jacob on the phone - yay! Then 2 days after that I fly to Las Vegas to meet Stephanie and we drive to Utah for Vanessa's wedding reception. Hopefully the back will be good by then.

I can only sit for about 5 minutes at a time so blogging (and any other type of sit down activity) will come in spurts.

Now's my nap spurt though...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz