Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Email from Gene in China

I am glad everything is going okay and that everyone is safe. The hiking portion of the trip is over, beautiful country. I must admit the hiking was much more arduous than I thought it would be. Monday was Paul's birthday and Gary bought him a wonderful cake. It was very nice of him. Tonight Gary is going to buy us dinner. The food has been fantastic. It is a little different than the Chinese food in Hawaii, but very good. Tuesday we stop at a restaurant for dinner, when we finished and walking back to the car there was a three foot black and red snake at the entrance to the restaurant, a little excitement for the day. The weather has been great. After the hike yesterday, back at the farmers house, it started to thunder and lightening, it rained most of the night. You did a wonderful job scheduling this trip. I thank you very much. We are going to Xi'an after dinner. Will try to write tomorrow night.

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