Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Another place we visited on our 34th Anniversary Trip was Armstrong Woods State Preserve. It was located about 25 minutes from where we were staying.

Gene had always wanted to see some big redwood trees so this was it. Granted they weren't "drive-your-car-through" big - but they were plenty big for us!

We arrived shortly before 8 a.m. and followed the directions we'd seen in various guidebooks - park in the lot outside the park and walk in to avoid the park fee. The park was empty of people and full of fog ... ooooh - kinda spooky but really pretty! We hiked/walked maybe about 1 1/2 miles on various trails.

Gene lay on the ground to take this photo. The fog covered the top of the tree.

Weird stump with moss
and my eyes look crazy-person weird in this pic.

I have no idea who Parson Jones is but he sure has a BIG tree!

Finally, Gene let me take a picture of him - and as you can see
I am a sucky photographer - BLURRY!

Love Shot
What a GREAT morning!

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