Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Converting

Yup - its true!

Its finally gonna happen I think.

After searching, studying and pondering I've decided.

I know you're probably shocked.

The change is coming.

I know it'll take a while for me to feel totally comfortable.

But I've made up my mind.

I'm doing it -

MAC - here I come.

Monday, August 30, 2010


I read a sad news story. A Bishop of some ward in Visalia, California was sitting in his office at church yesterday and some guy came in and shot him to death. Police were unable to determine motive or relationship. The gunman committed suicide after the shooting.

The Bishop left behind a wife and 6 sons, the youngest less than 6 months old.

As the wife of a former Bishop, I can attest to the fact that Bishops work so hard and so long. After their regular full time job they then spend about equal amount of time during their church work as the Bishop. Their pay is opportunities, challenges, relationships and blessings.

Through their service Bishops develop a great amount of love for those in their congregation. They are always there to help - anytime, any place, anywhere, anyone.

They usually serve without fanfare - but always clothed in humility.

Bishops have the opportunity to develop a close relationship with the Savior as they try to emulate His life and work.

This Bishop who died was killed while doing the Lord's work.

His family will be devastated but will survive because of their faith that Families Can Be Together Forever.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Question

How did I get so luck?

Birthday Picnic

Last week Saturday we went to a birthday picnic for Carly and Lehua at Blaisdell Park (which is not across from Blaisdell center but is in Pearl City -- luckily I corrected Susan or she would have showed up at Thomas Square - which is the park across from Blaisdell Center).

It was great party! Jill and Chad worked so hard and it was perfect - great food (chili, hot dogs, steak, lumpia, noodles, salads, beans, and more), great weather, fun games, lots of prizes and a jump house!

It was wonderful seeing our 2 special little girls.

Lehua is now 2 years old.
Those eyes are magic!

Carly is now 4 years old.
Still has that great smile.

We love these girls!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Countdown to a Case of Nerves

I am an accomplished public speaker. I have made presentations on a variety of topics to audiences both large and small. So what's causing me a bit of self-doubt?

The Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Conference to be held here on Oahu Sept 6-10. The conference brings indigenous people from around the world together to discuss issues around alcohol and other substances, healing, culture and leadership. More than 2,000 people have registered.

On Wedensday (as in 2 days ago) I was asked to present a workshop with 2 other women. I know the other 2 women - we all serve on the Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian Expert Panel on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders for the SAMHSA Center of Excellence. One of the women in from Alaska and the other from U.S.

The presentation is only 1 hour long but I'm still nervous (and I usually don't get nervous...). So why this time?

1) Its such short notice!
2) We will officially be representing SAMHSA (the federal gov't!)
3) Over 2,000 attendees (I know they won't all be coming to our presentation...)
4) Lots to say in a brief period of time!
5) Its at the convention center and I don't like the parking there!
6) Most of the attendees etc. are in the medical field or human services field and I am not.

But I'm glad to do it since it will bring attention to FAS. Anything that will improve life outcomes for my two little girls and other like them.

Relying on the Lord for inspiration and confidence...

Suck it up and face your fears!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Phone Call

So my good friend who runs a therapeutic massage clinic and school called and asked if I wanted to come in tomorrow morning for an 1 1/2 hour massage...for FREE!

How sweet is that?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Am Good At...

So to boost my self esteem a bit (everybody can use that at one time or another) I decided to share one thing I am really good at.

Hmmm...what could it be?

I know...

I am a good pie maker! I really am. I detest store/bakery bought pies. I would never think of serving such inferior products in my home or at any dinner for which I am responsible.

And I DETEST as in HATE premade crust!!!!

I love homemade pies. Fruit, pudding - any kind!

I love the process of measuring the flour and salt and butter and water.

I love mixing the dough to just the right consistency.

I enjoy rolling out the dough with a wooden rolling pin.

I revel at stretching the dough to the perfect size to fit in the 9 inch glass (it must be glass!) pie plate.

I love filling that smooth surface with something yummy.

I love the smell of my kitchen as the pie cooks.

But most of all...

I love seeing how much the love of my life enjoys eating my pies!

Tonight its pumpkin topped with vanilla ice cream!

Quick Update

Been awhile and I still am busy to the max so this will be quick...but - things are gong well at our hale!

Gabe is soooooooooooo busy with rehearsals. His show, Once On This Island (from the Broadway caribbean Little Mermaid production), opens on Oct. 10 at Paliku Theater. This one is giving him LOTS of exposure and learning opportunities in the world of theater - not high school level as he has had in the past. Its working with almost all adults in a very professional atmosphere.

Honestly - he is involved in so many things I'm not sure which is which. I know Saturday he was doing some kind of Kung fu panda voice over work with James Hong. I know he is supposed to be auditioning for a touring show with Kaiser Permanente and then there's Dance Concert rehearsals. And with all that going on we got a GREAT progress report from school - A's and B's! Hope he keeps up the good work.

Michelle is enjoying 7th grade and horseback riding. She got her hair cut short on Friday. I'll post pictures later. She is so funny - the other day she said:

"Mom today is PE in the weight room! I love the weight room!"

I said, "What do they have in the weight room?"

She said, "A bicycle and another thing that you hold."

I said "What do you do in the weight room?"

She said "I ride the bike and I burn 6 calories!"

I said, "Wow! 6 calories!"

She said, "Yup! Can I have a Pop-Tart?"

Hannah is now in 5th grade. We are still struggling with her seizures. She averages about 16 per day : (

Despite those seizures she's still a bundle of energy. As in "Hannah stop climbing on the door, Hannah stop running around the house, Hannah get down off that shelf, Hannah quit kicking that..."

Every morning she say "Hey mom, want me to play you a beautiful song?" Then she proceeds to play the same 5 notes of her original piano composition for me. Everyday the same notes...at least she's not banging on the piano.

Its great to have Susan home. She is such a helpful girl! Yesterday we went to a birthday party for Carly and Lehua and she spent most of the time holding baby CJ. She is back working with Kaily at Castle High School but with a schedule change - she works Tues, Wed, Thurs. only. Now she can pick up sub jobs on Monday and Friday.

Gene ran a half marathon on Saturday and did well! He can't wait until his birthday next year when he turns 60 because that will put him in an older category - he jokingly says at that age "everyone's a winner - just like in Special Olympics".

Oh yeah, he got called again to be an extra - this time on Hawaii Five-O. But after his last experience (which was too much sitting around and waiting for him) - he had to turn down the role. Such a diva!

Jacob is fine and so appreciates those of you who write him. He only has ONE YEAR LEFT! And only 4 months until he can call home (on Christmas!)

He is so sweet - he sent Hannah a ball through the mail. Just wrote her name and address on it and had it stamped and mailed. The mail carrier said "This is a first for me!" She's obviously new because he sent a ball to Michelle in May. What makes this even cuter is that he sent it for Hannah's birthday which he THOUGHT was on August 14th - but its really on September 14th!

Am looking forward to a week of catch up. Honestly, I came home from Virginia, and instead of delving back into my mounds of work, decided to go to lunch and the movie with a friend! Oh well - paying for that slacking day starting tomorrow.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Friday Girls!

Hi Hannah and Michelle!

Yesterday we drove from Richmond Virginia to Newport News Virginia. It is about a 60 mile drive and should have only taken us 1 hour but it took much longer because it was raining. In fact, it was raining soooooooo hard that at times I could not see the car in front of us. We also saw alot of lightning!!! It was actually very beautiful. The thunder, however, was very, very loud!

I got to see Uncle "Rainy" and cousin Avery. We went out to dinner with Avery and her parents and her little sister Braylee. We had a great time.

We are staying at a Holiday Inn hotel - we have a 1 bedroom suite which means there is a bedroom and a separate living room with a dining room and kitchen area. There are 2 t.v.s here! There is also a swimming pool but I forgot to bring my swimming suit!

I will be here only 2 more days then I will leave on Monday. I will be home on Monday night. I can't wait to see you!

I love you very much! Have a fun weekend! I know youa re being kind to everyone - especially each other.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday Note to Hannah and Michelle

Hi Girls

We are in Dallas, Texas right now. We have one more plane to catch before we arrive in Richmond, Virginia.
We flew all night long and we are very tired. We got to eat ice cream with hot fudge sauce when we were on the plane. It was yummy!
We will get to Richmond at about 1:00 this afternoon. It is supposed to be hot there - like 100 degrees.
I hope you are having a good time at school and are being obedient. I hope you remember to make your beds every morning. Most of all I hope you remember to be kind. It is important to always be kind. I love you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To Hannah and Michelle

Hello my girls,

Like I told you - I will be gone for 5 days and nights. I will be home on Monday night. I am going to Virginia with Aunty Brandi.

I put your clothes that you should wear for school on my bed. Go in my room on Thursday, Friday and Monday and get your school clothes. I put a sign on each stack so you will know which clothes is for each day. On Saturday and Sunday you can just get clothes out of your drawers.

You can ask Dad if he will take you to the pool. If you have been obedient and have no bad attitudes he might say yes. I know you both love to swim.

I love you both very much. I know you will be helpful and obedient while I am gone. Remember to always be kind.

MomThis is an old picture. I look much prettier now! Haha!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 7, 2010

A never-to-be-forgotten day.

Beginnings and endings.

Celebrating the wedding yesterday as my youngest brother got married while just hours before my 26 year old nephew dies unexpectedly.

Everything happens for a reason.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Whoa - this week!

Got back from Utah last night.

This week -
  • 3 meetings today
  • 1 conference call at 3 - please help me remember this.
  • Dinner tonight with sister and her fam visiting from California
  • Catch up from being gone last week
  • Uncle coming in on Wed.
  • Brother coming in on Friday
  • Decorate for bridal shower on Thurs. for Azeema
  • Horseback riding for Michelle Sat a.m.
  • Steve's wedding Sat. a.m.
  • Pick up the food for wedding
  • Reception at 5:30 p.m.
  • Get Gabe to rehearsal every night 6:30 - 10:00 p.m.


But the week has started off GREAT! I got a letter from Jacob!