Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Greetings from Texas

Hello Hannah and Michelle,

Tonight we are staying overnite in San Antonio, Texas. We are staying with Bishop Teruya's son Kenny and his family. Guess who is here?
Do you recognize Sister Julie Teruya? she is here visiting her nephews Dane and Asher. Here they are with her and their mom Maggie.
Tomorrow Jenna and Maylani and their Mom and I will drive about 13 hours from San Antonio to Pensacola Florida.
I will be home on January 1 at 8:30 p.m. I can't wait to see you.
Hannah - I have not seen any cowboys in Texas. I hope you girls are being kind and obedient. I love you both.

hello girls

We are driving thru texas and there is snow on the side of the road! It is so pretty! It is cold though. Today we will drive 8 hours. I am writing this from my cell phone so I cannot write much. I will write more tonight on my laptop. I love you. I know you are being kind. Love Mom

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hi Hannah and Michelle

Well girls I am now in Arizona. Yesterday we drove 6 hours from San Diego. We stopped at McDonald's for dinner.

Today I am staying with a friend for the day and washing clothes then tonight we will leave at 7:00 p.m. to drive to El Paso, Texas.

Jenna and Maylani sit in the back seat of the car in their carseats. Their mom and I take turns driving the car. The car is packed with Jenna and Maylani's suitcases. It is really quishy in the backseat for the two girls.

Last ngiht Maylani was tired of sitting in her carseat. She started crying. I remembereed that I had a glow-in-the-dark bracelt in my bag. I gave it to her and she loved it. She was pretty good the rest of the way.

I will try to take a picture and post it tomorrow.

I love you both. Thanks for the email Hannah! I loved reading it! I knew you like the dolls you got for Christmas. I remember youw ere so excited when you opened them.

Be good girls. be obedient and know that I love you very much.

Love Mom.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy, Happy, JOY, JOY

Jacob's phone call today made this a FANTASTIC Christmas! It was so good to hear his voice - he is doing well, still has his great sense of humor, and is enthusiastic about his mission.

We talked for 1 1/2 hours and he told us about the many different experience he has had, about his companions, the people of idaho and the things he has seen and done.

Thank you to everyone who has written him and kept him in your prayers.

He is a such a good, loving boy. I miss him so much but am so happy that he is doing well and I know he is where our Heavenly Father wants him to be.

A Merry Christmas indeed!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Wouldn't Ya Know It!

I go to Walmart for not even 2 hours and what happens?

The mail carrier tries to deliver a box from Jacob!

We're not here so she can't leave it...gotta pick it up tomorrow.

So thoughtful that kid - sending us a box.

Can't wait to pick it up tomorrow, open it on Friday and THANK HIM OVER THE PHONE!!!

Gotta love that boy!

Confession & Wish

Gene is my best friend. But he has some competition...and its the competition I'm worried about.
So who is he? Well let me just say

...he's not new
...he sees me exclusively
...i love having him whisper in my ear
...he is the 2nd best traveling companion I've ever known
...i've tried to take care of him over the years
...i've bought him new outfits
...i've cleaned him regularly
...but now he's starting to get tired
...he's not his fun, entertaining self anymore
...he's actually thinking of retiring i'm thinking of ending it

But not before Christmas - that would be unbearably cruel.

But Santa please - I've been really good - so can I get a replacement?
120 gig white with case protector

Oh - and so my new guy won't be lonely, could you throw in

Bose 15 - not the Q3


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family Party

It was nice getting together with the relatives at Sharlene's last night. Lots of food...chicken, noddles, ribs, sushi, chicken nuggets, salads, etc.

Uncle Kini and Aunty Judee, Candie and girls, Steve, Azeema, Herman, Bersolas, Tupous, Kala & fam, Moana and Fam, Ikaika and fam...really a great gathering.

Lisa is the best - she had games planned for the kids and adults too altho most sat around and chatted.

We didn't stay long - not even 2 hours...

...Hannah ran out the front door for the street and Michelle followed to "pet the dog"
...Hannah threw a doll into the pool and Michelle had to "rescue it from drowning"
...Hannah doused Cheyenne and Sorelle with water getting them soaking wet

Anway it was nice while it lasted.

Ain't kids grand!

Friday, December 18, 2009

This Weekend Begins


...we clean out the patio - Gene has promised multiple trips to the dump.
...go to Sam's Club
...prepare Primary 2010 schedule a little bit of Christmas shopping
...pick up a new bag I orderd
...bake a few Christmas treats for giveaways
...go to our ohana Christmas party!!!!!!!!!!

...we go to church at 9
...take Gabe to his performance at the mall at noon
...feed the missionaries
...have Family Home Evening
...go see some Christmas Lights

...I work a bit
...prepare for Primary activity
...go Christmas caroling with the Primary

...I work a bit
...breakfast meeting with some colleagues
...get a pedicure
...maybe get a haircut
...finish shopping

...I work a bit
...wrap presents
...clean house
...cook for Christmas party Christmas party at our home for a few good friends

...I work a bit
...finish wrapping presents
...wash clothes
...cook for family Christmas Eve dinner
...enjoy Christmas Eve with my family at home
...prep breakfast casserole & sticky buns for Christmas morning

...(early) put gifts under the tree everyone open their presents
...TALK TO JACOB ON THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...pack my carry-on
...leave for the airport by 8:30 p.m. to fly to Las Vegas.

From Saturday until the next Friday I will be there visiting Stephanie for a day and a half before meeting my friend Missy in L.A. and helping her drive (with her 2 kids) to Pensacola Florida!

I feel blessed that I have the means, health, support, energy, and ability to do all the things I need to do. I also am committed to reading my scriptures diligently this week and showing my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for this special season of love.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Still Waiting

The highlight of my week is usually Tuesdays. It's the day I get an email from Jacob. I am assuming Tuesdays are his Preparation Days and the day he is allowed to email and write letters (along with other once-a-week activities like laundry, recreation, etc.) The email usually comes through in early Tuesday afternoon.

I'm still waiting...

I am sure he's busy doing good things. Perhaps the public library (the place where they are allowed to log on) was closed or something.

But if it doesn't come this week there's always next week...

Oh - by the way - next week is the mother lode.

Email on Tuesday (hopefully!) then he gets to call home on Christmas Day! Yay!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Random Photos

Some photos off my camera...a cool statue of the Savior, Steve sleeping standing up next to Alo, Gabe in a parade, Michelle at a parade.

Glass Etching

So for Christmas this year I set up a workshop on Glass Etching with David at Rubber Stamp Plantation. I invited Candie (she ended up not being able to make it), Mellene, brandi, Susan & Azeema. We had the class last night.

It was so much fun - and easy, easy, easy. here are some photos of some of the pieces I made.

This last one needs explanation. Its a pie plate. My intention is to make a pie for our friends the Featherans. When they are finished with the pie they'll discover that I have etched their name in the bottom of the pie plate!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Blessings of the Year

In no particular order...

1. cousin Manu's, my nephew Ryan's, my niece Rachel's and my friend Suzie's son, Jared
2. Babies...Lehua and Carly Rose
3. Travel...Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Albuquerque, Washington D.C. Orlando, Utah, Palm Springs, San Diego, New York, Ohio and Missouri
4. Grey's Anatomy - after a lame last season - its good again!
5. Jacob's Two-Year Mission Call to the Idaho Boise Mission
6. Family Reunion
7. Another year with the BEST husband in the world.
It's all good and I am thoroughly convinced...
I must be God's favorite.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Some Reunion Pictures

My smart sister Alo sent some reunion photos. Here are a few.

Prettiest person at reunion.
Lisa and Jason
Ally and Uncle Kini
Queen Stephanie
My two girls Brandi and Susan

My other two girls - the Rice Eating Champ and the Coconut Hurler

More pictures and reunion memories to come...when I have time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



And Gene and I were among the throngs!!

Its standstill traffic.
Its people parking ANYWHERE.
Its thousands walking alongside the road cause its much faster than driving.
Its neighbors charging up to $50 for prime parking along the roadway.
Its hundred of pro photographers with telephoto lens.
Its the mist in the air - not from rain but from the waves.
Its people of all ages and all in a really good mood -
Appreciating the beauty, power and AWESOMENESS
Of the winter swell of 2009!

Lucky we live Hawaii!

Jacob's Continuing Randomness

So i told my last companion to write Sue because he said she was cute (got my family pic up you sent me.) ^-^ i think he did a while ago. and we joked about her writing him before me lol.

Dad is awesome. So are you Jenny. SO is aunty.

CHRISTMAS is exciting.

IT WAS -7 degrees today and i was outside without a jacket on in basketball shorts and a shirt because it was hot in the gym. acclimation is miraculous.

THe BRadys mailed me today. twas randomly awesome. aske them where in Oregon they live because our mission covers part of it.

Got another Baptism for team Awesome (thats us, as in all who want eternal life)

I was thinking about Michelle somewhere in between what salsa i should buy and World of Warcraft, so tell her i said HI. Kawai too, i guess =]

THats all for now, you Stay CLassy!

Love, me ( Jake )

p.s. "The Spirit of God, like a Fire it Spread...the persecution the spirit the peaceeeeeeeee." A Nashiville tribute to the Prophet.

p.p.s. He who doesnt hear the music thinks the DANCER is crazy

Jacob - December Greetings

we got transfer calls and i was supposed to stay in Jerome, but on Saturday night President Yardley called me and said i was going to Boise, so i leave there tomorrow. you can mail stuff to me at 1111 south cole Road, Boise, Idaho. 83709.

im excited, mostly because it is 10 degrees warmer there on average. its a car share, so half-bike-half-car. but my last companion let me "borrow" his bike for as long as i need one. he will be in a car area for the rest of his mission, so it all worked out good. elder naylor is awesome like that.

i was thinking the other day about being left handed. altho im not really a lefty, because i do just as many things with my right hand, but im not abidextrous either because i cant do things with both hands. so weird.

so i get christmas stuff? AWESOME!

oh yeah, my next companion i THINK will be elder owen. this other elder in my district served with him and apparently has terrets syndrome. sounds like funnn!! =D

peace out, and smile at someone random today. we do it all the time and you will be surprised at their reaction.

love ya,


p.s. "She was more than a beauty queen, off a movie scene..." -Michael Jackson, Billy Jean

p.p.s. Screaming takes more energy than smirking and laughing. -jacob wright

Jaob's Thanksgiving Greeting


so the work here is going good. lots of baptisms coming up in December (because its Christmas maybe?)

we left a pamphlet on the restoration with a potential investigator. and when we came back he actually read it. Blew my mind.

a cool thing i have realized is (and its not steryotpyping, just based on my experience) that every person we have met who speaks spanish believes in Jesus. its fact. the hard part is getting them to come to our church because they all also belive in tradition, doing things just because their parents did it that way. on the other hand white people as a rule are more rebellious and find great joy in doing things differently from their parents! but white pepole also belive in being unique, and because there are so many mormons in Idaho they tend to shy away sometimes. that and we dont offer as many shiny trinkets to decorate our house with like zen gardens or bhuddists shrines. unless you are from sons of provo, in which case "Mormons can be bhuddusts too!"

I say 'Less-Activessss' with a serpent like hiss at the end. sometimes its just like "GO TO CHURCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" and they are like "But i have watch TV"

and i love how when we give Book of mormon reading commitments we walk in on them watchin football and are like "Oh, we were working and i had to mow my lawn 3 days ago so i didnt have time to read 17 words which make up the 2 versus shich we said we would read so you would leave our house faster.

im just venting, everything is going great here tho =]

give everyone my love!

love yas, jake

p.s. When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, sit back, and let them wonder how you did it

p.p.s. Im not crazy, im just a LITTLE unwell -Matchbox 20, unwell

Jacob - Mid November

heya, so down to business:

My comps name is Elder Jordan Naylor. he is pretty cool/crazy. not sure what to say tho...

we have a lot of investigators at the moment tho. and a baptism planned every week for the next 3 weeks (another we need to set a date for somewhere in there)

everyone in jerome is nuts. nothing changes there.

everyone is getting sick here with the flu. its redonkyulous.

im not really sure what to say, im not that exciting a person.
Oh wait! i was a pirate for halloween and my comp was richard simmons. the other 2 elders we live with went as flavor flav and our zone leader. ill send pics laters =]

i think i am sick because i have a fever and feel dizzy.

love you guys, take care, and thanks for everything!
elder wright

p.s. "...and you ask yourself, where is my mind?" the Pixies
p.p.s. "A steel lock wont protect the contents of a paper chest" -jacob wright

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reunion Recovery

So its been 1 week since our reunion ended...but I'm still in recovery mode. It'll be a few days before I will have the chance to blog about it but suffice to say - it achieved what I wanted it to - we honored Uncle Kini and spent some quality time with loving family members.

While most have flown home I am seeing the aftermath in several ways:

1) Sharlene has planned a SUPER family Christmas Party on December 19 at her place.
2) I've heard lots of good comments from attendees about how much they enjoyed themselves.
3) It certainly has helped me get into the Christmas spirit of love and joy.

Yes - I will blog about it soon - but for today its - MONSTER WAVES ON NORTH SHORE!!!! Gene and I are going out there today - cause we love witnessing the power of the ocean even if we have to suffer through stop-and-go traffic. 60 foot wave faces - totally worth it!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dance Concert

Gabe's Dance concert started on Friday and ends today. How is it...let me explain:

It is LOUD!!!!

Its all this kind of hip hop kind of contemporary dancing - gyrations, whatever. While I can't appreciate the music style I can appreciate the enthusiasm and energy.

Gabe is pretty much front and center on the numbers he is in - he has great stage presence and looks like he genuinely enjoys being up there.

These Castle High School dance concerts are unreal - you go into the school's very beautiful theater, the lights lower, the concert begins and the audience yells and screams throughout the whole thing - every single number. It is wild!!!

Earplugs necessary - for the music AND the audience (most definitely).

From Jacob

He sent the following email with the subject line "Salutations comrad" - go figure...

"heya, so down to business:

My comps name is Elder Jordan Naylor. he is pretty cool/crazy. not sure what to say tho...

we have a lot of investigators at the moment tho. and a baptism planned every week for the next 3 weeks (another we need to set a date for somewhere in there)

everyone in jerome is nuts. nothing changes there.

everyone is getting sick here with the flu. its redonkyulous.

im not really sure what to say, im not that exciting a person.
Oh wait! i was a pirate for halloween and my comp was richard simmons. the other 2 elders we live with went as flavor flav and our zone leader. ill send pics laters =]

i think i am sick because i have a fever and feel dizzy.

love you guys, take care, and thanks for everything!
elder wright

p.s. "...and you ask yourself, where is my mind?" the Pixies
p.p.s. "A steel lock wont protect the contents of a paper chest" -jacob wright"


Came home late Thursday night from a great 7 day church historical site tour. Thoroughly enjoyable. Fantastic weather, beautiful fall leaves, kind people along the way - a totally inspiring trip.

Below is a photo of the first place we visited - John Johnson's farm in Hiram, Ohio. It was here that the Prophet Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw a vision and penned these words:

“And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

“For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

“That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God” (D&C 76:22–24)

I know this really happened and that it happened at John Johnson's farm.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hi Hannah & Michelle

We arrived in Kirtland, Ohio and saw many things. We went to Jon John Farm which was a place that the Prophet Joseph Smith stayed with his wife Emma and twin babies.
We went to another place where the Prophet lived and many members of the church stayed in 1836. We met a girl there who is serving a mission. Her name is Sister Annie Soliai. She is the cousin of Kastle and Jarom and Manu and Ipo! She gave us a tour of Historic Kirtland Village. She wanted us to sing Aloha Oe for her while she danced hula for the other missionaries. She comes back to Hawaii in 4 days! She is a beautiful hula dancer.

Hope you are fine and being good girls. We are seeing alot of beautiful places. The leaves on the trees are red and yellow and very beautiful.

Remember to be kind always.

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Make Sense of THIS One

This is what Jacob emailed this week -

"We have a basketball tourney tomorrow for zone confereance. whic is cool, except that...
People here regard Basketball as the "One true Celestial Sport' pretty much, and its is definately not 'just a game' to them.

I'm not as random as you think i salad.

love, Jacob

p.s. The Fly with a 24 hour life span will live longer than the 200 year old giant clam. (we have to make up our own quotes starting now, thats the rules)
p.p.s. "Laugh until you cry, and Cry until you laugh" -Regina Spektor, 'On the Radio'

Okay, so we have like 4 baptisms coming up which is really cool. We have a saying here, 'Numbers before Salvation'"

Sometimes I wonder...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I have never met a person who is more ALIVE than my Hannah. She is movement, action and adventure jam-packed in a slender athletic body that never seems to stop. You know when she enters a room and when she leaves. You also know every room she's been in by the way it looks when she has left. She's a whirlwind.

She loves to pretend read (although we are immensely proud of the fact she has actually learned to read), LOVES to sing (Sunday riding home from church it was "you cut me open and I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding...), loves baby dolls (and real babies), loves to swim, and loves hugs and praise.

She is the most forgiving person I have ever known and is always full of hope (her favorite question - "Is tomorrow another day?")

Her constant chatter (mostly to herself) keeps us in stitches.

To Susan, Aunty & Jacob she is "Kawai".

To Dad and Michelle she is "Hannah"

To me she is "hoi-hoi" (which all started cause she calls me "moi-moi')

No matter what you call her though - she is FULL OF LIFE!

Monday, November 2, 2009

If Every Family...

had someone like Michelle in it - home life everywhere would be SUBLIME!

What can you say about someone who is usually happy, smiling, and loving? Evryday when she gets off the bus after school she comes running to me yelling with enthusiasm "MOM! I'm home!" She acts like she's been gone for weeks!

She likes Rubik's cube, babies, pizza, kidney beans, babies, rice, dogs, babies, her Ipod, vanialla ice cream and babies, babies, babies.

She is a good reader and an excellent speller! handwriting - not so much.

She is so very special to us - we feel so priviliged to have her in our home. What a sweetheart!

One thing though - she SNORES REALLY LOUDLY - like THUNDER!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fathers Be Good To Your Daughters

Fortunately I have a good husband who has been and continues to be good to our daughters. Its easy when they are so special!

That cute little sleeping baby is our Susan! The photo was taken on January 13, 1988 - five days after her birth but the day she was born in our hearts.

Today - almost 22 years later - she is a beautiful girl who is a loving sister and a helpful daughter. She has so many talents - she is good with her hands, very artistic, generous, friendly and fun. If I could have my pick - I'd pick her!

Whenever we need help - all we have to do is call and she makes her best effort to be there.

I pray for her safety and happiness every single day. I worry that she has to drive so far to and from work (she thinks she's a NASCAR contender) but I am proud of her hard-working attitude and determination.

If I could give her one piece of advice today - I couldn't - I'd have to give her two.

1. Remember who you are
2. Don't stay in the sun so much (you'll regret it later)

Tomorrow I will talk about Michelle.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Tonight is Trunk or Treat at the church. Its a family and ward tradition.

We'll decorate the shred car this year - I was thinking of a Jaws theme for the open trunk (with the Shred license plate beneath)...

We'll dress up - Rubik's Cube for Michelle, Mexican Girl w/Sombrero for Hannah, Soldier for Gabe, Gene will go as himself and I'll go as BEAUTIFUL.

We'll pass out treats.

We'll make our famous homemade rootbeer.

We'll play games.

AND - we'll eat chili at the chili contest!!!!!

It'll be fun. What are you doing for Halloween?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

For Want of a Camera Cord

If I could find it then I'd post a picture...I'll keep looking.

Halloween is almost here. Today is Costume Day at school - still gotta finish Michelle's. (It is also 3 a.m. and I need her awake to finish - think I'll wait til 6:00).

She's going to be a Rubik's cube which is PERFECT for her! She is obsessed with Rubik's cube. She can do 2 sides - almost 3. She wants to be Tyson Mau - some guy she saw on a DVD who can do the cube in like 7 seconds. She has several cubes.

I got a cardboard box and made the cube but gotta make the straps for her shoulders. Hope she doesn't wreck it today - she needs it for Trunk-or-Treat tomorrow night.

Hannah is going to be a Latina! She has an embroidered Mexican dress and a big sombrero. We told her she's really a Latina princess.

Hope I find the camera cord - cause my descriptions suck...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Another email from Jacob - much of which I do not understand...

Hiya mom, sups?

well, it is getting rediculously cold here. =/

chuck norris joke: He grinds coffee with his teeth and boils it with pure rage!

so the mission field is pretty sweet. pretty much the hardest thing about a mission is keeping my pride in check because of how awesome a missionary i am. the field is white and i am a brigade of monster tractors ...thanks to the lord.

so we met this one guy who doesnt say prayers at meals, because he blesses all his food when he gets home from the grocery store. therefore, it is all good when he needs to eat it. sounds like one of my 'theories'.

so many cool things are here in Idaho (well not really). like how people base jump off the twin falls bridge.

we were teaching this one guy who says the spirit told him there are prohets, male and female, who have been in hiding for thousands of years, in caves (like terrorists). so he is our only 'degressing investigator'

see ya guys, love yas!

love, jake

p.s. "Of course its all in your head, but why would that mean its not real?" -Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

p.p.s. "Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I cant believe it" -Jack Skellington

Today's Quote Feed

You'll note Gordon B. Hinckley's quote of the day is:

Under the plan of heaven, the husband and the wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness. Gather your children around you and have your family home evenings, teach your children the ways of the Lord, read to them from the scriptures, and let them come to know the great truths of the eternal gospel as set forth in these words of the Almighty.

I couldn't give a better message today.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ending Film Fest on a Positive Note

Snow Prince!

A wonderful film - beautiful, rural Japan scenery, interesting characters and sweet (although sad) story.

I am sure it will play in art house theaters or other venues that feature foreign films. Its suitable for all ages (that can read) - go see it!

Its from the same team that made the movie Departures.

The music is beautiful...Debussy!

Wanna really know how good it is?

It almost made me like DOGS!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bill Cosby

Got my tickets! Friday January 15, 2010 6:30 p.m. Blasidell Concert Hall Balcony Row D Seats 47&49.

I was a big Bill Cosby fan when I was a youth. When I was 15 my mom bought 2 tickets for me to go to see Bill Cosby at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. It was a BIG deal. She got me a new dress to wear. She drove me and my brother Bill down to LA, dropped us off and then picked us up after it was done.

Our seats were great!

Bill was funny.

Can't wait to see him again. I wonder if he'll remember me?

Friday, October 23, 2009


Went to see the movie Precious at the Hawaii International Film Festival last night. Its been getting a lot of hype thanks to Oprah...but seriously...

Precious - its not.

I wanted a more dramatic, uplifting, she-made-it kind of ending.

I wanted less swearing (yikes I never heard so much bad language in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The acting certainly was amazing - Mariah Carey, Mo'Nique, even Lenny couldn't even recognize them.

But the story is just too sad, too brutal, too tough to watch for me at least.

So I came away neither uplifted nor inspired, neither fulfilled nor excited, neither enchanted nor in awe.

I came away feeling polluted...certainly not Precious.

Jacob's Box

So we got a great surprise yesterday! A box from Jacob - he sent Halloween candy and a letter for each of us...and PICTURES.

The letters are typical Jacob - randomly weird and funny. Here's a taste - (you can click on each letter for a better view)

Here's his letter to Michelle
That part about "...tell Mom thank you when she gives you a new Ipod video" is really funny.
Michelle picked up on that one really fast!

Here's Hannah's letter

I like the "...get really good at running so when you aren't good you can outrun everyone" - very funny.

Here's Gene's letter

I like the ending - "Kawai is probably getting into trouble as you read this".

Here's my letter

I think the "My milk lasts a lot longer now that everyone knows I drink from the carton" line is hilarious! He's learned a needed skill necessary for living with roommates!

And here's a photo of the man himself - yup in the Idaho snow!
I believe this is his first real snowfall!
Gotta love that awesome guy!
Here's his direct address for at least the next 6 weeks - keep the letters flowing!
Elder Jacob Wright
923 4th Ave. East
Jerome, ID 83338

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Email to Jacob

So I thought I'd be funny in my email to Jacob - I titled it "Message to Methalos of the Horde" (I don;t know what that means)

"Aunty had a terrific birthday yesterday. She got her hair cut and her car oiled and greased and went to dinner with Molleen etc.

I went to Young Women with Michelle last night and she gave a talk and did a good job .

I don't know if you heard but because of the bad economy, they cut the school days so now school is only 4 days a week. No Fridays.

We will go to Byodo In Temple with Carly and Lehua and their foster family on Saturday. YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a short note. We love you. You are a good man, Charlie Brown.

One more thing "A bird sings not only when it flies but also when its shot with a b.b. gun" - I made that up - really quite profound.

Love, Your Pretty Mama

P.S. "I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain." - Elton John
(See you are not the only one who can sign off with obscure lyrics)"

- Yes I am quite the comedian don't ya think?

(Picture from FOG trip to Italy in 2007. The dot on my head is from a game we were playing)