Friday, October 30, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Tonight is Trunk or Treat at the church. Its a family and ward tradition.

We'll decorate the shred car this year - I was thinking of a Jaws theme for the open trunk (with the Shred license plate beneath)...

We'll dress up - Rubik's Cube for Michelle, Mexican Girl w/Sombrero for Hannah, Soldier for Gabe, Gene will go as himself and I'll go as BEAUTIFUL.

We'll pass out treats.

We'll make our famous homemade rootbeer.

We'll play games.

AND - we'll eat chili at the chili contest!!!!!

It'll be fun. What are you doing for Halloween?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

For Want of a Camera Cord

If I could find it then I'd post a picture...I'll keep looking.

Halloween is almost here. Today is Costume Day at school - still gotta finish Michelle's. (It is also 3 a.m. and I need her awake to finish - think I'll wait til 6:00).

She's going to be a Rubik's cube which is PERFECT for her! She is obsessed with Rubik's cube. She can do 2 sides - almost 3. She wants to be Tyson Mau - some guy she saw on a DVD who can do the cube in like 7 seconds. She has several cubes.

I got a cardboard box and made the cube but gotta make the straps for her shoulders. Hope she doesn't wreck it today - she needs it for Trunk-or-Treat tomorrow night.

Hannah is going to be a Latina! She has an embroidered Mexican dress and a big sombrero. We told her she's really a Latina princess.

Hope I find the camera cord - cause my descriptions suck...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Another email from Jacob - much of which I do not understand...

Hiya mom, sups?

well, it is getting rediculously cold here. =/

chuck norris joke: He grinds coffee with his teeth and boils it with pure rage!

so the mission field is pretty sweet. pretty much the hardest thing about a mission is keeping my pride in check because of how awesome a missionary i am. the field is white and i am a brigade of monster tractors ...thanks to the lord.

so we met this one guy who doesnt say prayers at meals, because he blesses all his food when he gets home from the grocery store. therefore, it is all good when he needs to eat it. sounds like one of my 'theories'.

so many cool things are here in Idaho (well not really). like how people base jump off the twin falls bridge.

we were teaching this one guy who says the spirit told him there are prohets, male and female, who have been in hiding for thousands of years, in caves (like terrorists). so he is our only 'degressing investigator'

see ya guys, love yas!

love, jake

p.s. "Of course its all in your head, but why would that mean its not real?" -Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

p.p.s. "Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I cant believe it" -Jack Skellington

Today's Quote Feed

You'll note Gordon B. Hinckley's quote of the day is:

Under the plan of heaven, the husband and the wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness. Gather your children around you and have your family home evenings, teach your children the ways of the Lord, read to them from the scriptures, and let them come to know the great truths of the eternal gospel as set forth in these words of the Almighty.

I couldn't give a better message today.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ending Film Fest on a Positive Note

Snow Prince!

A wonderful film - beautiful, rural Japan scenery, interesting characters and sweet (although sad) story.

I am sure it will play in art house theaters or other venues that feature foreign films. Its suitable for all ages (that can read) - go see it!

Its from the same team that made the movie Departures.

The music is beautiful...Debussy!

Wanna really know how good it is?

It almost made me like DOGS!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bill Cosby

Got my tickets! Friday January 15, 2010 6:30 p.m. Blasidell Concert Hall Balcony Row D Seats 47&49.

I was a big Bill Cosby fan when I was a youth. When I was 15 my mom bought 2 tickets for me to go to see Bill Cosby at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles. It was a BIG deal. She got me a new dress to wear. She drove me and my brother Bill down to LA, dropped us off and then picked us up after it was done.

Our seats were great!

Bill was funny.

Can't wait to see him again. I wonder if he'll remember me?

Friday, October 23, 2009


Went to see the movie Precious at the Hawaii International Film Festival last night. Its been getting a lot of hype thanks to Oprah...but seriously...

Precious - its not.

I wanted a more dramatic, uplifting, she-made-it kind of ending.

I wanted less swearing (yikes I never heard so much bad language in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The acting certainly was amazing - Mariah Carey, Mo'Nique, even Lenny couldn't even recognize them.

But the story is just too sad, too brutal, too tough to watch for me at least.

So I came away neither uplifted nor inspired, neither fulfilled nor excited, neither enchanted nor in awe.

I came away feeling polluted...certainly not Precious.

Jacob's Box

So we got a great surprise yesterday! A box from Jacob - he sent Halloween candy and a letter for each of us...and PICTURES.

The letters are typical Jacob - randomly weird and funny. Here's a taste - (you can click on each letter for a better view)

Here's his letter to Michelle
That part about "...tell Mom thank you when she gives you a new Ipod video" is really funny.
Michelle picked up on that one really fast!

Here's Hannah's letter

I like the "...get really good at running so when you aren't good you can outrun everyone" - very funny.

Here's Gene's letter

I like the ending - "Kawai is probably getting into trouble as you read this".

Here's my letter

I think the "My milk lasts a lot longer now that everyone knows I drink from the carton" line is hilarious! He's learned a needed skill necessary for living with roommates!

And here's a photo of the man himself - yup in the Idaho snow!
I believe this is his first real snowfall!
Gotta love that awesome guy!
Here's his direct address for at least the next 6 weeks - keep the letters flowing!
Elder Jacob Wright
923 4th Ave. East
Jerome, ID 83338

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Email to Jacob

So I thought I'd be funny in my email to Jacob - I titled it "Message to Methalos of the Horde" (I don;t know what that means)

"Aunty had a terrific birthday yesterday. She got her hair cut and her car oiled and greased and went to dinner with Molleen etc.

I went to Young Women with Michelle last night and she gave a talk and did a good job .

I don't know if you heard but because of the bad economy, they cut the school days so now school is only 4 days a week. No Fridays.

We will go to Byodo In Temple with Carly and Lehua and their foster family on Saturday. YIPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a short note. We love you. You are a good man, Charlie Brown.

One more thing "A bird sings not only when it flies but also when its shot with a b.b. gun" - I made that up - really quite profound.

Love, Your Pretty Mama

P.S. "I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain." - Elton John
(See you are not the only one who can sign off with obscure lyrics)"

- Yes I am quite the comedian don't ya think?

(Picture from FOG trip to Italy in 2007. The dot on my head is from a game we were playing)

Three More Days!!!!!!

Yup - we are so looking forward to Saturday when we will have a great outing with
11:00 - Byodo In Temple!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jacob's Jottings

So he wrote today -

"i really like the word 'twas'. i think it is one of my favourites actually.

we went to a D.I. today and there was a shirt that said 'Speacial Olympics' on it, and the back said 'secuirity'. it reminded me of our own 'special olympians' =]

we had a baptism last saturday. twas awesome. and transfers are tomorrow, so i will be able to email again!

thanks for the stuff, and the love.

remember, "The wise mouse befriends the cat" (i made that quote up, quite profound if i do say so myself)

love ya, Jacob aka, Methalos of the Horde."

Dinner w/o a Movie

Last night we went out to dinner with the #1 movie go-er Leo. We had a day early dinner celebration with this great lady. We met Moleen and Rookie at Tsukiji's in Ala Moana.

I knew Leo would love the place - all you can eat crab legs!

Even though we live in the same house we don't get to see her very often and hardly ever get to go out and eat with her.

She is the most kind and generous person you could know. My kids adore her and she adores them. She is always there to help, encourage and cheer them on in whatever they are doing.

She got a card yesterday from her #1 fan, Jacob. he told her how much he loved and appreciated all she did for him - read to him every night when he was small, let him sleep with her when he was scared at night...their relationship has always been so special.

Today is her birthday - how old is she you ask? And here's hoping its a terrific one! She is 10 years older than me - so that makes her 32.

I couldn't ask for a better friend or "sister". I love her.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Good Sabbath

Yesterday was a GREAT day. Church was wonderful - the Primary kids practiced for next week's presentation. It is such a blessing to work with these little children! They are so sweet - even when they are naughty.

Came home and made ahi with a dijon-yoshida sauce for lunch, made pumpkin pie for dinner and then took a nap! Could it get any better?

Yes! woke at 4 p.m. and made hamburgers (the missionaries were coming to dinner). Susan came for dinner too - which really made it the BEST of days.

The missionaries were 45 minutes late - but we strated without them. They are nice boys and I am happy to have them in our home - knowing that 3,000 miles away someone is having my boy into their home for dinner.

We had great fun after they left - me, Gene, Susan and Gabe - just talking - mostly about Jacob and how random he is.

Then I went to bed!

Oh another happening this day - but first some background - for almost 10 years we have hosted Thanksgiving for people in our ward who have had no place to go on that holiday. We usually have supplied everything and have been glad to do it. The number of diners have ranged from 25 - 70s.

Last year the Bishop asked if I'd coordinate at the church - which I did - 71 people came.

This year he asked Gene if we could do it again - but Gene told him no cause I have a family reunion that week. When he told me I replied that I had been thinking of ways to be able to still do my family reunion but also help with the Ward Thanksgiving. So I called the Bishop and told him I'd coordinate it again.

Still trying to work out the details. I won't eat twice - just get everything organized at the ward before going back up to our reunion to eat and celebrate.

I have a most terrific cousin named Stephanie who I know will help me cause she is pretty and generous and kind and pretty and loving and talented and noble and pretty and true and honest and capable and pretty and hard-working and fun and did I mention pretty?

She is also a reader of this blog - which also makes her oh so smart!

So what do you say, dear cousin?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

April Bride

That was the name of today's feature film - a Japanese movie making its U.S. debut.

Its a girl-meets-boy-girl-gets-cancer-and dies-but-not-before-the-beautiful-wedding. I'm not spoiling it for you 'cause that's all in the trailer.

Once the tears start flowing they don't stop! Listen to your fellow movie watchers to hear who starts sobbing first. But it feels oh so good to get all that emotion out!

If it comes to your city -run-don't-walk to it (and don't forget the tissue!)

Harimaya Bridge

A terrific film starring Ben Gilluroy and Danny Glover. Set mostly in Japan (and in English with Japanese subtitles at time) tells the tale of how love can erase decades of pain and hate. Such a sweet story - son dies while living (and marrying) in Japan - father hates Japan and Japanese because his own father was killed in WWII - but something changes Dad...

Last night's performance was the world premier!

Beautiful scenery of rural Japan. Fine performance by all (and talk about beautiful Japanese women!!)

Wonderful wonderful.

See it!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mother - The Film

The Hawaii International Film Festival started last night. My friend and I bought tickets to 6 shows over the next 11 days. last night we went to see the opening show called Mother (a Korean show).

From the trailer it appeared to be about an old mother who does everything to help her retarded son who has been accused of murder.

Lets just say I fell asleep when they found the body and woke up 1 1/2 hours later when old mom was killing some guy with a crescent wrench.

(Did I tell you they swear in Korean and then translate it to English for the captioning? So unnecessary)

If it comes to a theater near you - skip it.

Tonight its Harimaya Bridge...stay tuned for the totally unbiased review soon.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Palm Springs Update

So you know we were in Palm Springs last week for a conference for my work. Well I made the organization's national news with this photo:

I am the short pretty one. The guy is our National Director. I think we are the same age - and have same color hair.

To view the whole article go here

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

He Writes Again

Hope this short note is an indication that Jacob is very busy doing the Lord's work. Enjoy!

Hey mama!

so we have our first transfers coming up next week! im staying in Jerome and getting a new companion.

so how is home going?

the weather here is crazy haha

Did you hear elder hollands talk? it was awesome-sauce =]

so not too much new hear, we went bowling today, and we have a baptism on sat.

ttyl, love you very much!

your son, Jacob K. Wright, defender of the faith

Friday, October 9, 2009

Letter from Jacob

Hello Mother!

So it snowed here on sunday. it snowed all day actually. it was freezing, so i
put on every peice of clothing i could. it was kinda awkward when the neighbors
kids were playing outside in shorts and tshirts -____-

so how goes life? naturally it isnt as exciting without me, but that is to be

I am making a list of strange things i see here. i am christening that said list
"Only in Idaho." some examples are
Only in Idaho:
-will you see an illegally parked lawnmower getting towed.
-a gang of wild chickens chasing a pitbull
-people with 10 fingers, but 2 missing from their left hand
-and advertisement saying "Buy a Dell computer, get a FREE dog!"
-and advertisement saying "Free gun of choice with the purchase of any truck!
-lawnchairs around the dinnertable/T.V. and sofas on the porch
-garage translates to "additional storage closet."
-people who park their lawnmowers in their garage and their cars on the side of
the house.
-people waxing their lawnmowers

well, you get the idea. lawnmowers are a big thing here i guess.

i was thinking about writing to nancy, can you send me her email please? ill
send a copy of the letter i write her to you also, because i know you would want
to read it =]

i love you mom, thnks for everythings!


Elder Wright, a.k.a. Methalos the Hallowed, Champion of the Frozen Wastes

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Greetings Girls!

Hope you are doing well in school!

Yesterday Dad went to Joshua Tree National Park. He got to see some animals - like big horn sheep. He saw a big one standing at the top of a rock! he said he had never seen one so close before.

Palm Springs is a desert so it is very hote here. The mountains are all rock - no trees or grass on them.

The hotel we are staying at has 7 swimming pools but I am too busy going to meetings to swim. dad has been too busy driving around to swim. Maybe he will get a chance to swim today.

Are you going to stay with Susan in the North Shore on Friday night?

I love you. We will be home on Saturday. Remember to be obedient and kind. Heavenly Father wants us to be kind always.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hi Girls,Dad and I are in Palm Springs, California. We are staying at a nice place called Marriott Desert Springs Villas. Our place has a big living room an d kitchen plus a bedroom and bathroom. There is a shower in the bathroom and a huge tub with a jacuzzi!I have meetings all day today from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. While I am in meetings Dad is going to go to Joshua Tree National Park which is about 75 miles away I think.This whole area is a desert. It is hot here - about 99 degrees.I hope you are feeling better Michelle. Gabe said you were doing fine when I talked to him yesterday.Hannah I know you are doing a good job being obedient to Aunty and Gabe and Susan.I think Aunty was going to give you spam musubi for lunch today. Did she?I love you girls very very much. I will be home on Saturday. Please remember to be kind always and to be helpful too.Love,Mom

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Travel - Church History Tour

Well we have our Fall travel plans made - tickets paid for and reservations made. We'll be doing a self tour of the following church history sites:

Palmyra, New York
Smith family farm
Hill Cumorah
Martin Harris Farm
Sacred Grove

Kirtland, Ohio
John Johnson Farm
Newell K. Whitney Store
Kirtland Temple

Independence, Missouri
Liberty Jail
David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery Gravesites
Monument to Alexander Doniphan

Nauvoo, Illinois
Carthage Jail

We are going with our friends the Frosts who are good traveling companions. We'll fly into Cleveland then drive to Kirtland and Palymra (with a stop at Niagra Falls) then fly from Rochester to Kansas City, Mo. We'll drive from Kansas City to St. Louis (seeing Nauvoo enroute). And...we'll do it all in a week (Nov. 5-12). Best of all - our upgrades have already come through!

Looking forward to the opportunity for travel with good friends to see sights that will definitely reaffirm my testimony that God lives and Jesus is the Christ.

Anyone care to join us?

Weekend Thoughts

This is kind of a different weekend. No church services - General Conference is broadcasted via cable or internet (or you can go to the church and watch via satellite). So we will be doing the internet option - which will keep me tethered to the computer (my monitor has no speakers so I gotta use headphones).

Looking back on the week I give it an A. Why?

1. I had 2 meetings that went well.
2. The family is healthy.
3. Got to see Susan this week.
4. Got an email from my sister Susie - with pictures of our older sister Jay who is now deceased - what a great surprise to see those pictures! this year would have been Jay's 40th class reunion.
5. Got a letter from my missionary - YAY!!
6. Grey's was great this week...even without George.
7. Got all reservations etc. made for next week's trip to Palm Springs.
8. Got a new cell phone -a Blackberry Curve - and I love it! It has Hi-Fi ringers, finally. So Gabe's custom ring tone is Frank Sinatra singing "Luck Be A Lady"
9. Had a chance to organize my family history files - had ignored it for years
10. Spent a good chunk of time doing some family reunion planning

So I am prepared for a relaxing weekend and a great meeting next week in Palm Springs! Gene and I leave on Monday night and get back on Saturday. Its in the upper 90's in Palm Springs!

Thursday, October 1, 2009