Monday, May 31, 2010

Long Weekend

Gabe and company finally got to Utah after having their departing flight cancelled last Thursday. He began his Especially for Youth week at BYU Provo and I am sure he is having a blast.

He'll end up staying for 2 weeks cause I ended up getting Lakona a ticket and registering him for the EFY session next week - so had to register Gabe for next week's session as well. They'll have a great time. No regrets about the expense. All worth it.

We spent most of this holiday cleaning screens, louvers, windows, floors, walls, closets, rooms and rearranging furniture in anticipation of Susan returning home today for about 3 weeks. She leaves for Bali on June 20.

Gene went to the dump TWICE cause we had so much JUNK!!!! Feels good to get rid of stuff...

Not much else going on - but decided we had to have some kind of barbecue for Memorial Day - so just started some chicken - probably eating late cause I got such a late start! Oh well - food is food!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

More reunion

Just spent 3 hours viewing 300+ webpage references to either Mossman Family Hisotry, Captain Thomas James Mossman or Mossman Ohana. Lost to weed through - but all in all a reqrding experience.

I found a blog of a woman I know we are related to who is in Northumberland England. I sent her an email.

Found a reference for a Thomas Mossman who I think is my mother's first cousin - sent him an email.

And found the website for Shirley Mossman Nisbitt whom I know we are related to - sent her an email.

Hopefully will make contact and spread the news about our upcoming reunion and get to know these folks too.

But hey - aren't we all related anyway?

Anyway - all this research has made me homesick (yup, homesick) for England. So don't be surprised if I take a short journey there sometime before November...wanna go back to Berwick where the Captain came from, wanna go to Edinburgh again and this time visit John Knox house (which is really the Mossman house), wanna see Keith & Viv at Hill House and visit Ian & Marian in Plymp Wales...oh and as long as I'm there...gotta see Les Mis ;)


I am on the Planning Committee for our upcoming Captain Thomas Mossman Reunion scheduled for November 10-12, 2010.

It has been an interesting experience...I'm a "just start doing it" kind of person and not into yapping about it - just DO it.

Sooooooooooo it was great meeting with my subcommittee comprised of my 2 cousins Godfrey and John this past weekend and planning out two days of reunion activities. We got so much accomplished in a one hour meeting! Both are solid and dependable and have great families who I know will give them support to carry out the reunion functions. I love these guys!

For a peek at what we will be doing check out our reunion blog at

Almost Off

Gabe leaves tonight for Portland and then Provo. He will be visiting the Bradys in Portland. They used to be our neighbors here in Haiku Village about 8 years ago and we visited them a couple of times after they moved to Virginia. Their kids were Gabe's best friends - I am sure they will have a GREAT reunion. Wish I could be there too.

Lori Brady (the mom, and the BEST neighbor I have ever had) invited my sister Alo over for dinner tomorrow night to see Gabe. I am so happy that connection between the Bradys and Alo will finally be made. They have alot in common - big dogs, bike riding, pretty me.

Gabe will then fly to Utah on Monday to attend Especially for Youth Program at BYU Provo. He enjoys EFY so much and it it totally worth the money for him to go!

If I had enough $ I would send Lakona too. (He's Gabe's friend who sleeps at our house about 4 nights a week - but alas $ doesn't grow on trees).

Gabe has spent much of the last two days cleaning his room and getting his things organized for the trip. I know he'll have a good time, make and renew lasting friendships and strengthen his love for family and God through his experiences over the next 10 or so days.

Ah to be 16 again!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This Brings Back Memories

If you go to this link

You'll see a video of something that happened recently with a little kid. The exact same thing happened to Jacob when he was the same age at Windward Mall.

Sorry you gotta watch some short commercial first.

Monday, May 24, 2010


So my brother Steve is getting married to Azeema I think the weekend of August 7. I am looking forward to helping them in any way I can.

Should be an exciting time.

Returning - Semi

I have been without a desktop computer for 2 weeks. It is difficult running 2 businesses from a small netbook and near impossible to blog - but here goes...

News of Note -

Gene got back from Nicaragua - he found it interesting and depressing - in his words "its not the destination, its the journey". Although the hotel he stayed in was 5 star the entire area of the capitol is like a slum. he said people begging everywhere, buildings slapped together, alot of poverty. he hired a private guide for a day and went hiking, saw an active volcano, took a boat ride on Lake Nicaragua and saw some historical sites. he had an adventure on all of the flights (cancellations, rebookings, etc.) but was in first class or business the entire time - so not too tough. Bottom line - he earned 58,331 miles.

Michelle had her 13th birthday on Saturday. We spent the night before in a cabin at Bellows then on Saturday we rented a pavilion at Bellows. it came with a jump house and 20 rounds of mini golf. It was perfect. We invited about 50 people and they all came!

We started the party at 11:00 - the jump house was a big hit! The spot was also next to the drivng range so most of the teens and men spent the day hitting balls. Kookie and Manu Laumatia and 6 of their 10 kids came, Kookie's friend Stephanie and her 3 kids, Uncle AKini, Aunty Judee, Tehani & Jonah, Candie, Cheyenne & Sorrel, Wena, tricia, Kawena & Kaliko Adams (friends from church) came, Renny & Heather (Michelle's classmates) and their family came, Carly and Lehua, Chad & Jill and their new baby CJ came, Gene's friend from work, Steve and Azeema, brandi and my sister-in-law Debi (Bill's wife) was visiting so she came too.

We had chili, hot dogs, chicken, rice, salad, cornbread and cupcakes.

We were suppsoed to end the party at 2:30 b ut didn't end until almost 5.

A fun day for all -- and now we have a 13 year old!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Aunty Natalie

About 2 weeks ago I came home one night and Michelle rushed to greet me. The conversation went something like this:

Michelle: Oh mom! I love Aunty Natalie! She has 3 dogs and a pool. She said I can come to her house tomorrow and play with her dogs. She said I can walk her 3 dogs. I love her. Aunty Natalie has a pool and she said I can swim in her pool and play with her 3 dogs! I love Aunty Natalie.

Me (to Gene): Who's Aunty Natalie?

Gene: The census worker.

Fast forward to Mother's Day - I open my card that Michelle made for me.

On the outside it says:
Happy Mother's Day Aunty Natalie
(then Aunty Natalie is crossed out and the word mom is written below it)

On the inside she wrote:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Is it fast Sunday?


It was a great Mother's Day for me. Jacob called and we all got to talk to him - we talked for about 1 hour and 45 minutes. He sounds so good.

He is healthy and happy and enjoying his mission. He is in a totally biking area now so is getting a lot of exercise. He said a lady in a store bought him a bike helmet - totally random.

His faith in the Lord has grown and I can hear the love that he has for missionary work in his voice. The area he is in, Eagle Idaho, is a rich area and he and his companion live in the basement of a members home on a golf course.

He says they eat at different members homes every night and fend for themselves for breakfast and lunch. he and his current companion share food.

He said last week he went to a sushi p0lace to eat - it was a pslurge - $25 per person - and he stuffed himself and got sick.

Love that boy and talking to him made my day!

Only 7 more months til I hear his voice again - Christmas.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers I Love

I am lucky to know some really great moms out there - so on this day I am wishing all of them love, peace and joy wherever they might be. So here's my shout-outs to some special ones that have been such great examples to me (listed in no particular order): (HMD-Happy Mothers Day)

Stephanie (my Oprah style girlfriend) - Can't find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me. When we reconnected it was like - BINGO (hehehe). How did I ever get along all these years without you girlfriend? Loving growing old with you. HMD

LeAnn (my #1 BFF always - the only person who can sling it as good and as quick as I can) - A near perfect example of motherhood (laundry done or just folded?). A perfect example of a friend. One of the few people (outside of my family) that is as smart and pretty as me. I miss you! (We gotta dump these kids and husbands for a few days and get away!!!) 30 years as friends and an eternity to go - lucky, lucky me. HMD

Lori (the BEST neighbor I have ever had) - Such a joy to know. Hands down the SUPER mom of the century. Lori does it all. But her greatest gift is her genuine interest and concern for others. She walks the Savior's walk - and my life is richer because of her. Its been 5 years or so since she moved but I feel her love thru the miles. HMD

Susie (my mirror image so they say) - Your heart. If there is anything I covet - its your heart. When I think of you I think of the quote from Proverbs "...her children rise up and call her blessed" Throughout our lives people have always said we look a lot alike - how lucky I am since
that means I must be tall! HMD

Alo (my gorgeous, talented socialist sister) - Your strength and determination inspire me. Your intellect might just surpass mine - if that is possible. Your politics make me nauseous. HMD.

Sharon (my Kentucky mom)- thanks for rescuing me last Sunday! Such a blessing in my life in ways to many too mention. HMD

Candie (my cousin extraordinaire) - Knowing there are moms like you bringing up the next generation of keiki puts my mind at ease as far as what the future holds. I am so impressed with all you do as a mother and the obvious joy you find in being a mom. Although I hope your current obnoxious fixation with all things Twilight is just a stage you're going through and that you will snap out of it quickly. HMD

Kathy (the sister with the same body frame as me) - Beautiful inside and out. So much like mom it makes me teary. Just one thing though - you need to eat more. HMD

Mom (my sunshine) - The epitome of a kind, supportive, loving and JOYFUL angel. Gene says if I am like you when I am older he will be a lucky man. My goal - to be JOYFUL like you. I am so looking forward to seeing you again someday - I can see it now - you'll be wearing something long, flowing and purple I'm sure. HMD

Ada (my mother-in-law) - My example of faith, humility and generosity. Blessed every life you touched. You taught me so many lessons of life through your stalwart and quiet example. I am sure Heaven became that way upon your arrival. HMD

Aunty Ginny - First, last and always in my heart. HMD

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Disaster Area

I have been in Nashville since Monday. I was supposed to arrive on Sunday but Nashville airport was closed due to tornados and storms so I flew into Louisville and caught a bus down to Nashville.

Nashville has been declared a federal disaster area. There is flooding and devastation everywhere - except on the little hill where my hotel is.

It is such a strange experience being here under these circumstances. I will blog more when I get back to Hawaii.

I am safe, the area I am in is safe, my meetings are going fine - and I'll be home by Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


D = Driver's Permit (not license) which Gabe got yesterday - YAY!
D = Driving Lesson which he also got yesterday - from me.
D = Dance Concert which Gabe was in last night.

D #1 - Yup! he did it - I waited in the car while he went in. He said he yelled and jumped when the lady told him he passed. It was his second try, and hopefully he has learned that YOU GOTTA STUDY THE BOOK TO PASS THE TEST!

D #2 - Like all Mormon parents, I took him for his first driving lesson in the church parking lot. He was cautious and drove slowly - I know that will all change...

D # 3 - The Dance Concert (called Dear Diary) was absolutely WILD. Over 3 hours long too. Gabe was the lead in at least 6 numbers and back up in another 2. He is a GREAT dancer and I was so proud of him. He has a concert tonight and one tomorrow and IF I were going to be here I would be going to each concert. Lots of talent in Castle DanceForce - not the least of which is our son Gabe. His performance is nothing short of electrifying - AND I AM TOTALLY UNBIASED!