Monday, December 31, 2012


Hannah had to write her goals for 2013 in Young Women yesterday.  She wrote -

Goal is to get married when I am 40 years old.
Goal is I would like to drive a car and cook.
Goal is to play outside and to go out to eat and to go shopping and to stay home and watch my ipad and listen to music.

Ok with me - except first 2.

Looking Back on 2012

When I think about the last year the big things that stand out are:
Hannah's seizures - which are many and severe but despite them - she is a Trooper!

Michelle and her phone and her friends - text message queen and social butterfly via phone to her 2 friends Erin and "Jazzy-pooh"- We have waited 10 years for her to have FRIENDS

Gabe Graduated!

Went to Wales with our ohana!

Gene's illness kept him down all summer - but he's still alive and kickin'

Bobby died. 

 Gabe's play HONK! - he's been in many but this was my favorite.

And a few other things ...
  • Old people - taking care of my 84 year old friend Kimie 3 nights a week, helping my friend 85 year old friend Marcella with her dr. appointments and also going to her high school reunion luncheon (class of 1945!) - made me appreciate my health
  • Family vacation at Disneyland - enjoyed by all - and immortalized on a wonderful photo collage Susan gave me for Christmas.
  • Swimming - I have come to love my morning swims!  I can't believe how much it has helped my previously aching muscles.
  • AA EXP Facebook Page - wow!  I am learning so much about the ins and outs of AA and travel in general from these AA experts!!  Can't believe my good luck in getting the invite to join that closed group.
  • Seeing Les Mis onstage in Costa Mesa with my brother Bill - so glad he was smart enough to get the redemption message of the play!
  • Les Mis movie opening! - seen it twice - probably a 3rd time today...can't wait for the DVD ;-)

Once again, we Wrights have been tremendously blessed...healthy, comfortable, hopefully wiser.  Not without our challenges and sorrows - but always watched over and loved - proving once again that I MUST be Heavenly Father's favorite.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

3 Christmases

Christmas 1 - Sunday December 23
Cousins Herman, Misty and Alex came over for dinner.  We had a great time talking about travels.  For dinner we had kalua pig, lomi salmon, gazpacho, green salad, chicken skewers and dessert was pumpkin tarts, chocolate cream tarts and banana bread.

Christmas 2 - Monday December 24
Susan, George, Steve, Azeema, and Brandi came over. Oh - and Santa Claus stopped by for photos with the girls.  We ate Hawaiian nachos, ham, poke, green salad and stew and rice.  For dessert we had red velvet cheesecake and cookies.  It was fun - we laughed and had a wonderful time.

Christmas 3 - Tuesday December 25
Susan and George came over in the a.m, to open presents - everyone was please with they gifts and we ate a brunch casserole, biscuits and left over stew.  At 12:30, Gene and I went to see Les Mis!  I enjoyed the day very much.

The best thing about Christmas is being with the family AND knowing that we are loved as evidenced by Heavenly Father sending His son to earth to be our Savior.

Another Christmas development - Susan got a promise ring     :-)

Friday, December 14, 2012


Me:  Okay Michelle do you have your Christmas shopping list ready?
Michelle: Yes
Me: Remember you can only spend $5 on each person
Michelle: Good - Now I can buy Susan an iPad.

Never Too Old

 So the other night I called the girls into the kitchen and had everything set up for them to make graham cracker houses.  I went to work on my laptop for about 10 minutes.  When I came back I found this.

Never too old.
After the construction was completed we drove to Waikiki to give them to Susan.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Partial Update

 So much has happened in the last month - gotta catch up,  But before I forget - wanted to post these pictures of cousins we bumped into at Disneyland on Tuesday!
Great surprise!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Courtesy of Susan

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Had a wonderful 9 day stay in Wales and Ireland.  A few highlights:

We were greeted at Manchester Airport by our cousin Beci Jones!  She is the daughter of cousin Clare who is the daughter of cousin Ian Mossman.  Last time we saw Beci she was about 14 years old.  She finished college and now works in HR for Sainsbury (large chain store in UK) and lives in Manchester.  We so enjoyed spending about 1 hour with her!
Here we are with Beci and Cathy and Godfrey Kaonohi and Wayne and Nanette Judd.

We stopped to see and walk the aqueduct near Wrexham and had lunch/dessert at a little tea house.

Had a MOST excellent dinner at Cousins Ian and Marion's home that evening in Plwmp, Wales.

More to come.

Friday, September 14, 2012

12 Years Old

Celebrating with her class.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Miraculous Recovery

Text today from Michelle who is at school -

Michelle:  Mom,  I don't feel good.
Me: What's wrong?
Michelle:  I have a runny nose.
Me:  You'll be fine.
Michelle:  I need to come home from school.
Me:  Just use tissue.
Michelle:  But I'm really sick.
Me:  You'll be fine and when you get home you can go to bed.
Michelle:  Mom, can I take my iPad to the fireworks tomorrow night?
Me:  If you are sick you will have to stay home.
Michelle:  I'm feeling ok.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Well yesterday Hannah fell (seizure) and cut her head open again.  After a 4 hour ER visit (6 stitches) we came home and got ready to go to a friend's party at my least favorite place on earth - Chucky Cheese.  It was so noisy and crowded and the pizza is crap BUT the girls loved it.

Gene is in Prague til Wednesday.  Jacob and Gabe have been great at helping out while he is gone but I will be happy to have him back.

Thursday was FASD Awareness Day so we went to the capitol for the Proclamation signing with the Lt. Governor.  The girls and myself each gave a speech and the whole family came :)

I am worried about Hannah's seizures which are getting longer and also more intense where she sometimes turns blue.  I can't believe what a strong person she is!   Something special.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Next Production

Gabe's in the green shirt.
This is rehearsal.
Production runs 2 weekends - last one of Sept. and first weekend of Oct.
I won't be here :(

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Simple Questions and One Answer

Posed by Michelle via text message and answered by me.

Michelle - Mom, are we rich?
Me - No we are not rich.
Michelle - When will we be?

Of course, as I read the above I realize we are indeed rich.  In ways that it really counts.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Changes Always Come

Gabe hasn't heard about auditions.  But he did get a role in Ron Bright's next Paliku production - last weekend in Sept and first weekend in Oct.  We won't be here for that :(  He also got another job at an after school program.

Jacob got registered for school and Samantha comes back Thursday.  he also got his old job back at the theater.

Susan is starting with a new company next week and is very excited about career opportunities.  Same line of work - with students with autism.

Michelle texts us many times a day with her cell phone.  Thank goodness for unlimited text messaging. A typical text session -
"Hey Mom"
"I love you so much my sweetie pie Mom"
"Can I go swimming with you Mom?"
"What are you doing Mom?"
"I love you Mom"

She texted Susan -
"Yo sis - who is hotter Sonic (the hedgehog) or George?"

Hannah is enjoying her after school program - dancing, basketball, arts and crafts.  She is excited for her birthday next month.

Gene has been home sick - hoping to be fully recovered for his big hike in El Yunque National Forest this weekend.

Yup - we are Puerto Rico bound on Thursday and back Sunday.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coming Home to Roost

2 boys.

Gabe - tonight.  Waiting to hear about audition but also he got in another play with first rehearsal Saturday.

Jacob - tomorrow.  Samantha decided to come back to UH and live in the dorm so he is coming home too.

Looking forward to having them home.

Just gotta figure out where everyone will sleep.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2 More Auditions While He's In NYC

This is getting scary.

And he's going to be staying with someone we don't even know.  But he he knows them.

Monday, July 30, 2012

New York

I think Gabe will be going to New York on Thursday.  Audition Saturday for singer/dancer on Norwegian Cruise Line Pride of America (the one that does the Hawaii inter island cruise).  If he gets it the contract is for Aug. 18 - March 26.  Minimum pay is $900 a week.

Many pros are encouraging him to go for it.

I have an award ticket on hold for him.  Gotta decide by tomorrow.  And find him a place to stay...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Yesterday a group came to do a presentation at Michelle's summer program.
 The presentation was on underage drinking.

Michelle asked her aide if she could go up and tell the everyone that she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

She did.

She got up front and said
"I have fetal alcohol syndrome.
My birth mother drank alcohol when I was in her tummy.
Alcohol hurt my brain.
But my brain is getting better now."

They all clapped!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

What More Can I Say?

HONK! Got extended.

I feel like we added 2 more kids to our family - as Gabe's friends Lakona and Jacob H. sleep over almost nightly.  Luckily, they are good "boys".

Jacob (ours) is doing fine in Missouri.

Susan comes back from Catalina soon.

I am still swimming 45 minutes a day 5 days per week.

And Gene put in a a new shower!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

One More HONK

From Honolulu Arts Beat:

Manoa Valley Theater (MVT) brings this charming adaption of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Ugly Duckling” into the 21st Century with cell phones and prime-time TV News. Add a socially-relevant layer that dramatizes the important contemporary issues of bullying and tolerance for diversity and we have a hit. HONK! has received, among many accolades, the 2000 Lawrence Olivier Award for “Best New Musical”.

HONK! is a reprise offering following MVT's original staging in 2002.
This dynamic, melodic and inventive production is artfully directed by award-winning Guest Director Karen Meyer. The characters in this daffy duckyard are animated by a perky, quirky score led by another award-winning and Guest Musical Director, Kala’i Stern and is sung by a cast of impressive vocal talents.

Choreographer Katherine L. Jones has won three Po’okela awards. HONK! Is full of exciting dance with a cast including young children and teens whose characters are rich with animal gestures, fish & fowl, feline and frog.

Solo and ensemble dance numbers are inventive, energetic and tremendously entertaining. Costumes by Dusty Behner dazzle the eye and heart with the bright and sunny palette of a happy fantasy. Sets are also full of imagination in modest circumstances with rotating vignettes and good use of props.

MVT gives us a lively production full of puns, jokes, and lots of clever “fowl” word play (“I admire you for your pluck!”... “We're off on a wild goose chase!”).

HONK! musically reminds us that being “...Different Isn’t Bad”, that life would be boring if we were all the same. It brings us to the present as Ugly’s siblings bully him, make fun of him and reject him for being different. Gerald Mandac’s engaging performance as Ugly shows a wide range of emotions as he struggles to find his true self and place in the world.

Suzanne Green’s beautiful voice and strong performance as mamma duck Ida provides Ugly with unconditional love and contains the endearing messages to “hold your head up high” and “keep paddling” because someone out there will love you ... “warts and all”.

A wide range of expressive skills are displayed vividly by Gabriel Wright as Cat. He is both friend and foe to Ugly as he contemplates the delicious prospect of having Ugly … for lunch! As a first time performer at MVT, Wright plays the role with good voice and energetic body language.

Come join the talented cast of HONK as they all try, like the rest of us, just to get along.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Stiil HONKing - Another Review

Honk! – Family Friendly Musical Production

Manoa Valley Theatre is currently presenting Honk!, a charming musical adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, The Ugly Duckling.  It was a delight to attend a well-done play that entertains children and adults.  Even though the original play was penned in 1843, there is an important message about bullying that is very much in the news today.
As the play opens, Ida, the long-suffering mother duck, is not so patiently awaiting for her eggs to hatch.  Suzanne Green was magnificent as Ida.  Always an outstanding actress, her face clearly showed the range of emotions of her character.  She was often exasperated with her under-achieving husband, Drake, played by Miguel Pa‘ekukui.  She was proud of her four ducklings.  As like most mothers, she was very defensive when the residents of the duck yard called her baby ugly.
Gerald Mandac, Ugly, the title character, was perfectly cast.  When first hatched and with his first exposure to water, he displayed a wide-eyed innocence.  This quickly changed when he was being bullied and called Ugly by his siblings and the other duckyard characters.  The audience could see the hurt on his face and in his actions.
David Kila, Maria Denzer, Kaiki Delos Santos, and Tani Siu were adorable as the ducklings.  They charmed the audience. One of the most notable characters was the Cat, portrayed by Gabriel Wright.  The  conniving cat hungry for an Ugly-stew, was easily distracted by the wiles of a seductive female cat, played by Camila Harris.   This was Wright’s first performance with MVT; hopefully it will not be his last.
One of the highlights of the second act was the song “Warts And All.”  Larry Bialock as the bullfrog brought a comic relief to the serious subject of being different.
Bravo to director, Karen Meyer, for an outstanding job in bringing Honk! to life.  Kudos to M. J. Matsushita for a beautiful set and to the remaining behind-the-scenes production staff for a job well done.  The band under the direction of Kala‘i Stern was outstanding.  The “country” costumes worn by the band members were a nice touch.
The play is a bit long, but held the interest of the children and adults in the audience.
Honk! runs until July 15.  There is room for an extension to the run and, most likely, this wonderful play will be extended.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

HONK! Gabe's GREAT Review

This appeared in Mid-week Newspaper this morning:

Ducks, geese, a chicken and, of course swans, populate Honk!, a musical tale based on Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling. The latest from Manoa Valley Theatre isn’t all fluff. Gabriel Wright as a deliciously wicked cat injects it with plenty of fang and claw. This road journey has Ugly (Gerald Mandac) wandering from home, getting lost and encountering an assortment of squawky creatures. Besides the traditional pariah theme, Honk! is also a cautionary tale in which the bogeyman is always lurking, ready to pounce on the unwary chick.
For this heartwarming (but excitingly conflict-ridden) little production, allow me to wax poetic. Honk!, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: I love the music, directed by Na Hoku Hanohano Award-winning artist Kala’i Stern, with its wind chimes, whistles, bird chirps, flute song and clickety-clackety farmland rambunctiousness. I love the thoughtful touch in having the band and ushers all in plaid and denim. I love the stage with its summer-bright red barn and crisp golden wheat. The costumes are adorable, suggesting ducks, chickens, cats, frogs and more without being corny. The fowl jokes pile up, a plumage of innuendo and double entendre, which makes the show great for kids and appealing to adults too. Oh, and did I mention that bad, bad kitty? His female counterpart (Camila Harris) is pretty cute too, and Suzanne Green shoots off some wry one-liners as the long-suffering mama duck.
The show runs Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., with matinee showings Saturday at 3 p.m. and Sunday at 4 p.m. through July 15. Tickets cost $20-$35. For reservations or more information, call 988-6131.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


What's better than ONE  12-layer Ultimate Coconut Cake from the 
Peninsula Grill in Charleston South Carolina?


First one came on Monday (ordered by Gene) for my birthday.

Second one came TODAY (ordered by my sweet Ruth Ann) for my post-birthday!  I think she knew I was going to share the first one with my Hawaiian class last night and would need a spare for home :)

Am I blessed or what?
(Glad I swam that extra 15 minutes today!)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Big Day

Today is my birthday.  I got a beautiful card and gift from my cousin in Las Vegas. Love her like a sister.  A funny card from Gene.  A sweet card and gift from Leo.

This morning I will jump in the pool - miss my pool exercise after a weekend off.

Tonight Gene and I are going with our friend Dan to Hapa Grill.  Dan is an FAS expert here doing training.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 California Visit with Stephanie, Bill, Alo, Laura & Susan!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Look Out World

Michelle got a cell phone.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hannah Thinking "Save Me Please"


You know how you make one of all the essential things you have to do before you leave on a trip and then as the time approaches you start crossing things off, not because you've done them but because you're so frantic that you've now decided maybe they're not so essential after all?

THAT list.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


So sad thinking about tomorrow night when Jacob leaves.  I will miss having this wonderful son around.  What a blessing he has been in my life.  He is such a humble and kind person.  My hero.

So happy thinking about tomorrow night when Jacob leaves.  I am happy that he has found a girl that he loves.  I am happy that she loves him.  I am happy that her family does too.  I am happy that he is about to embark on a new adventure and life.

But still - thinking about him not being here -
a bit of my mother heart is breaking.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lesson Five

E ho'omaupopo
I kou ha'i na'au.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Tonight off Waikiki - celebrating some Japanese company's convention.  I saw an update online that it was the largest fireworks display in Hawaii.  And it was!  We went after Family Home Evening.
It was wonderful! Better than Disneyworld!
It lit up the entire beach!

High Gear

  • Talked to Susan - she's doing well!  Will see her in about 10 days :)
  • Gabe is sooo busy in rehearsals and his Conservatory program during the days.  He has trained to take over Jacob's position as projectionist at the movie theater.  He does it solo on Saturday.  He's a little nervous.
  • Michelle is supposed to go camping overnight for church Youth Conference.  She asked her Young Women's leader if she could bring her iPad - she's not happy that there will be no electricity to use it and no internet to access her shows.
  • Ordered Hannah's helmet - $132 plus shipping - yikes!
  • Jacob's getting ready to leave - sad about that one.
  • And tonight is Family Home Evening with the Medals and Steve and Azeema are coming over.  I'm making the dinner and Medals are bringing dessert.
  • By all accounts - I am still Heavenly Father's favorite :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lesson Four

And I really like this one -

E malama
i kou kuleana pono'i

Thursday, May 31, 2012

What's Up Doc?

The neurologist said:

  1. Hannah has Mixed Epilepsy (meaning she has an array of seizure types)
  2. It may take years (if ever) to find the right mix and levels of her medication
  3. She will probably lose more IQ points (She lost 12 in the last 2 years)

So we're in this for the long haul.

42 seizures last Friday.

Lesson Three

E olelo
i kou manawa wale no.

Speak in your own turn.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Michelle and I were at the mall.  She wanted a Sonic the Hedgehog Deluxe Set (little cartoon figures) from Toys R Us.  The cost was $37.99 - she had the $ but not with her.

I told her she could borrow from me but she had to pay me back when she got home.

We bought the set.

When we got home I told her I wanted my $37.99

She went to her piggy bank and I could hear her counting out her change.  I could hear her sighing, indicating she was getting tired of counting out the change,

After a few minutes she brought some change into me and said "Here's your 99 cents".

I said "But where's my 37?"

She came over to the 99 cents that she had laid out on the table for me, counted 37 cents from that, and said "Right here is your 37."

I told her I wanted 37 dollars.

She sighed again - went in and dumped her bank and started counting.

Twenty minutes later she handed me $37 in coins and looked sadly in the bank saying "You took all my money except a little bit."

Gene came in and said "I tell you what - I'll give you the $37.99 back and you give me the Sonic Deluxe Set!"

She rolled her eyes (like any 15 year old would) and said "Dad mind your own business."

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Post Party

'Twas great!

I'm tired!

Lesson Two

E malama kekahi i kekahi

Show/allow/give others dignity.

Grad Party

Susan's was at the Ilikai Hotel in a gorgeous concierge suite overlooking the harbor.  Elegant (but plentiful) pupu buffet. 100 people.  There were fireworks.

Jacob's was at the conclusion of a week long camp out.  It was a catered barbecue. 100 people. There was live Polynesian entertainment.

Gabe's is today at a pavilion at Bellows.  It will be a "homemade" barbecue. 100 people.  There's going to be a waterside (big enough for adults)!

Teri Hamburgers
Boca Burgers
Hot Dogs,
Baked Beans
Spiral Ham
BBQ/Teri Chicken
Pasta Salad
Potato Salad
Watermelon and Pineapple
Mini Cupcakes

10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Gonna have some games too.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lesson One

E olelo Hawai'i wale no.

Speak only in Hawaiian.

(I definitely have to download the Hawaiian fonts.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

8th Grade Banquet Photo Booth

With her friend Renny.
When she was 10 she said she was going to marry him when she turned 12.
I told her she had to wait until she was older.
She says when she's 42.

8th Grade Banquet

She begged me for weeks to get her a new dress.
She loved it.  
Growing up this girl.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Another Interview

Her name is really Rochelle.
Our interview was cut short 'cause someone needed my assistance.
Someday I will finish the interview.
It will be serious.

Michelle at 15

She likes white rice, vienna sausage, babies, crispy bacon, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, babies, cheese pizza (thin crust), root beer, sprinkles, pearler beads, babies, chocolate cake, ice cream, Nerds candy, wearing slippers to school, babies, rolling and unrolling skeins of yarn, staying up late on Friday nights, her sister Susan, swimming, dogs, cats, babies, her iPad, rolling adding machine paper, Sonic the hedgehog, Amy Rose the hedgehog, Hilton pens, drawing Paninis (cartoon character), Aunty Sherry and Aunty Mina, sitting in the front seat of the car, taking a bath, going to Koa House on Saturdays, walking Elvis, babies, Katy Perry, Rachel on Glee, Disneyland, flashlights and lasers, fireworks!, and...babies!

She does not like fruit, vegetables, meat, wearing clothes (pants) with the waistband hitting her waist, loud sounds, scary movies, massaging her father's feet, running more than 1 lap around the house, getting bossed around.

She is good at spelling, reading, being bossy, sleeping, entertaining herself, using the computer, trying to figure out my iTunes password so she can order stuff, helping younger children, swimming and SMILING!

She recently earned $20 from her Dad for being able to swim across the pool - he thought she couldn't do it - haha!

What she wants to do in the future - call Susan on the cell phone, go to Disneyland, go to the beach, eat vienna sausage and rice TONIGHT!

15 Years Old

My wish is that every family in the world be blessed with a
child as wonderful as
this one.
Happy Birthday to our Michelle!

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Preparing Dinner Tonight


 Salmon (on fresh Spinach bed) with Strawberry Salsa

 Rainbow Mini Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting


So a little trip to a meeting in San Diego in June is turning out to be a celebratory event!

June 11 - flying to San Diego for FASD meeting (Stephanie joining me from Las Vegas)
June 12 - 13 - Meeting
June 13 - My brother Bill picks us up to go and stay with his fam in Dana Point
June 14 - Sis-in-law Debbie and I go to Les Mis in Costa Mesa :)
June 15 - Hang with Debbie
June 16 - Ferry to Catalina for the day to visit Susan and George.  Joining Stephanie and I are Bill & Debbie and their girls Marie & Rachelle, sister Susie and husband Bill and daughter Emma, sister Alice and daughter Laura, cousin Steve and Michelle (Tachera) and kids Juliet and Mason!!!!  I am hoping sweet Ruth Ann will join us and bring David.  It will also be George's parents' anniversary so we will be going to an anniversary BBQ on the island.
June 17 - Fly home

Can't wait!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I always wanted to host a t.v. show that I would call Neighbors.  I would interview a neighbor each episode.  Well here is the pilot episode in 2 parts (mainly cause we got interrupted while filming)

Part 1 - The Opening

Part 2 - The Conclusion

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So Gabe's getting an award tonight at Senior Awards Banquet.  I am not sure for what.  But we'll see.
He just told us this morning - so Gene probably won't be able to attend as he works in the temple on Wednesday nights.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Home Again

Got back from D.C. yesterday.  And came back to

  • Gene camping with the Boy Scouts
  • Hannah sick with a very bad cold
  • Gabe wanting money (of course)
  • Tons of laundry
  • Grocery shopping to be done
  • Three inch stack of mail to go through
  • A Nursery lesson to prepare
  • Finding a sitter for Gabe's Hoike concert tonight

And so I am watching Grey's Anatomy on my iPad :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Gabe Eyes

Gabe does this thing with his eyes whenever someone takes a picture of him.  
We all call it "Gabe eyes". 
He says he learned it in acting.
 Here is my attempt at it.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Did It

Got the photos taken - here are a few.

Jacob, Gene, Gabe

Michelle, Hannah

Michelle, Mom, Susan, Hannah

Jacob and his girlfriend Samantha
Susan and her boyfriend George.

Me and my boyfriend Gene