Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not a Kid

Michelle had a cold last week and Gene gave her some cold medicine. I saw the bottle on the counter - it was Children's Dimetapp.

She's almost 15 years old and weighs about 115 pounds.

I told him try the adult stuff next time.

For some reason he still thinks of her as a baby :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

For My Children

Click on the picture for better reading view.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with George and Susan coming over - Jacob had to work - we had leftovers from Thursday.

Susan and George came back early Sunday and we opened presents and had brunch (Steve and Azeema and Brandi joined us) then went to church. Gabe sang in the choir and I gave a talk.

Came home and just relaxed. Most enjoyable, stress free and peaceful Christmas in recent memory.

Monday was a work holiday so Gene was home - both boys went to work. We had a nice day - I didn't worry about the mess from all the girls' new toys and stuff. Just let them enjoy themselves.

Hannah has a cold so she stayed home from school today and we put all the new toys away, got rid of the boxes and threw out old stuff. Very productive day!

Unfortunately, she had a big seizure tonight, hit her head on the dining room table and started bleeding bad. So ended up rushing her to emergency where they put 3 staples in her head and sent us home. She's such a trooper!

She'll have to stay home tomorrow and has to see the Dr. on Thursday. Wish we could get these seizures to stop. They are much more intense now then they have ever been before. I wish we could get another neurologist...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Almost Ready

Just gotta wrap a few.

Susan and George coming for dinner. Menu is leftovers from Thursday plus laulau that Michelle made at school and brought home yesterday.

Maybe going to see some lights then getting things ready for tomorrow morning.

I think all will be happy.

Jacob's car is leaking - the trunk part. He's such a nice person I decided we should get him a new car.

Won't he be surprised in the morning!

Sale at Long's - Hot Wheels 99 cents.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Celebration

Had a party last night. Prepared almost nonstop for 2 days. Forgot to take pictures.

Ahi Tower
Chips, Crackers & Dips
Chili Garlic Shrimp
Hamburger and Turkey Burger Sliders
Hawaiian Nachos
Caprese Salad on a Stick
Spinach Bread Bowls
BBQ Chicken Wings
Chicken Salad Pitas
Red Velvet Whoopie Pies
Chocolate Tarts
Mini Cherry Pies
Cornbread Muffins

I enjoyed the evening. The clean up was easy and Gabe's wonderful friends - Jacob H., London and Harm - volunteered to clean up.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

48 Hours

In that amount of time I flew to Louisville (total 10.5 hours in the air each way plus 6 hours in airports), attended my sister's wedding, and got back home! Whew...such a wonderful day yesterday. Love my sister. And Ryan, my new brother-in-law, is a great guy.

Friday, December 16, 2011


My son Gabe (age 17) went to his first day of training for his very first job - at a movie theater.

After his first 7 hour shift he has decided 3 things:

1) He's the BEST at making popcorn.
2) He LOVES working there.
3) He wants to be the MANAGER.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In Kentucky. My sister. 3 more days! Yay!

Monday, December 5, 2011

20 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I detest store/bakery bought pies and pie crusts. I only like homemade (mostly by me).
2. I did not attend Kindergarten, 1st or 3rd grades and only attended part year 2nd and 4th grades.
3. I am afraid of mice and rats - as in if I see one I think I might die.
4. I lost 2 valuable hours of my life reading the first half of the trash book Twilight.
5. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 22 years old.
6. I had lunch with Mr. Rogers, Mr. McFeely and Lady Betty Aberlin of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood.
7. I don't know how to ride a bicycle.
8. My favorite color is cobalt blue.
9. As a child I had an imaginary playmate named Sootey - and when I was confronted about her not being real I explained that she wasn't around anymore because she had to move because her parents sold their house for $20,000...what an imagination!
10. My favorite song/music is Air on G String by Bach.
11. I once won 50,000 American Airline miles thru an online sweepstakes.
12. I sat next to/near Laura Bush and Hawaii Governor Lingle on 2 separate flights within the same week.
13. I've never eaten an oyster - and never will.
14. My favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor is Fresh Goodness Cake.
15. My college minor was Spanish - but I remember nada.
16. I want to take ballroom dancing but can't find a partner who will agree to lessons.
17. I do not eat McDonalds.
18. My favorite book is Ireland by Frank Delaney.
19. We haven't owned a t.v. for about 7 years.
20. I do way more laundry than I should - must be punishment.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time Will Tell

Hurt my back. Gotta get better by Tuesday when I leave for 3 days in Washington D.C.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ending and Beginning

Its the end of November - what a month.

Had a good Thanksgiving - did the annual ward Thanksgiving dinner then came home and had our own turkey dinner. It was nice to see Susan and George, Brandi and Azeema.

Spent the weekend kind of quietly - I hurt my back again so trying to take it easy.

Got a massage yesterday.

Today we went to a funeral for Rachel and Nate Mahelona - an older couple in our ward - they died within days of each other.

Thursday Gene and I will go to our cousin Hawley Manwarring's husband's funeral - he died suddenly last week. So sad. We love Aunty Hawley - she was the HIGHLIGHT and LIVE WIRE on our trip to Scotland.

Friday we have our neighborhood Christmas Party.

Saturday we are going to the italian dinner that I won at a silent auction last January. One of our engineers is a master chef and she's cooking. Nanette and Wayne Judd (she's my Mossman cousin) are joining us. Looking forward to it!

Supposed to be leaving next Tuesday for a meeting in Washington D.C. Back on the 10th.

Glad Gabe put the tree up last weekend. Its pretty.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Everyday I pray that I might recognize service opportunities around me. I am looking forward to tomorrow. I had volunteered to prepare dinner for a friend who is going to the temple. Since going to the temple for the first time is quite a thing to celebrate I told her I would bring a dinner for her and her family and whomever else goes to the temple with her. So right now I am not sure how many people that will be - but I will be ready no matter how many.

Then I found out that a family we know have had a number of tragedies. The oldest adult son died on oct. 29, then the mom had a massive stroke last week and is in a coma and unresponsive, then 11 hours after she went in the hospital the Dad was admitted to hospice (he had been sick for years) and he died Sunday night. So I will provide dinner for their family (7 adults) tomorrow night too.

I have been scouring my recipes to see what I will prepare - it is a bit of a challenge because we are oven-less. We get a new one on Friday.

Am thinking maybe spiral ham (in my big roaster), baked beans (in my crock pot), rice, salad and rolls. Dessert -- hmmm. Still thinking about that one!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Coming Up

Gene comes home from Barcelona tomorrow night then goes straight to Scouts.
Wednesday night he works at the temple.
Thursday night we are both going to the temple.
Then Friday and Saturday is Gabe's Dance Concert - looking forward to seeing him in it. The practices are from 10 - 10 on weekends and 4-9 on school nights so all that work should pay off!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


My two boys have always liked to wear their hair short.

Gabe's is now maybe and inch and a half and he's asking for $ to get a haircut.

It may cost a few dollars more per year but saves lots of teenager-parent hassle.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Jacob's going to the Big Island with Samantha's family.

Gabe's going to a play tonight with friends.

Susan and George are coming over to make a mexican feast for us tonight.

Good weekend I do believe!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Next Week

Is APEC conference in Hawaii - which means the island is on lock down practically and the traffic will be gridlock - so I plan on staying home as much as possible.

Gene is going to Barcelona next weekend.

I won (at a Silent Auction) a gourmet italian dinner for 4 prepared by one of my engineers and served in her lovely Manoa home. Its on the 12th. Gene will be gone so I need a date -r eally 3 - cause its dinner for 4. Looking for my besties...

Learned Something New

So the reason Michelle doesn't get scared from Halloween spooky stuff is because people with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome have damage in the amygdala - a part of the brain which "controls" fear - or rather secretes chemical that increases fear. So hers doesn't work = no fear.


They did manicures at Young Women on Tuesday. Michelle loved it!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Scary Fun

Haunted Lagoon at Polynesian Cultural Center with Michelle, Susan, George, Jacob, Samantha, Gabe and Lakona.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Photo taken at Guyzance Hall, Northumbria, England. Cousin Keith Mossman visited us from his home at Hill House, Hunsonby, England (drove 2 1/2 hours!)

We were supposed to all make a funny face.

The front row didn't get the memo.

Catch Up Still

We had a good weekend - went to Trunk or treat at the church. Michelle pulled together what she called a "dancing girl" costume - a skirt, top and jewelry with a single small braid done at the front of her hair (like with her long bangs). Hannah was a hula girl with pareo, flower in her hair etc. Gabe was Indiana Jones. And I was Blue - just a person painted blue.

Gene and I started working in the church nursery on Sunday with delightful 18 month - 36 month old kids. They are so fun!

One of the downsides to working with them though is picked up their germs - I caught a cold and am suffering right now...

We didn't go trick or treating on Monday (the REAL Halloween) but the girls enjoyed passing out candy.

Cousin Misty posted a Scotland pic on Facebook - its of me and Chubby. I love her so much! I think we are at Alnwick Castle (Harry Potter Castle)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Next Mossman Ohana Adventure

Will be Ireland 2012! With an extension to Wales.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Almost Back to Normal

After 3 weeks!!!

After Scotland then went to Vegas and spent a MOST FANTASTIC time with my cousin Stephanie and Elton John! Sandwiched in a few work meetings in between.

This week has been filled to the brim with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders presentations. On Monday both Gabe and I spoke at the Native Leaders Conference on FASD at the Marriott Hotel. Gabe was simply enchanting!

Tuesday I continued at the conference.

Wednesday I did a presentation for pediatric residents at Kapiolani Medical Center.

Yesterday was 2 presentations to Dept. of Education.

Today I will get around to my real job, my family and cleaning the house!!!! Oh - and figuring out Halloween costumes!

But the BEST part of the week was our Scotland Travelers Reunion on Monday night! So much fun, laughter and food. The house was full - LOVE my Mossman Ohana!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

HOmeward Bound

Was supposed to be home right now but we got stuck in LA so spending the night at Holiday Inn @ LAX.

Ohana Trip to Scotland was INCREDIBLE! So blessed to travel with such wonderful ohana! We got so close as a family AND saw and did some INCREDIBLE things. Like find the headstone of my great great great great great father AND saw the HOUSE HE LIVED IN!!! How incredible is that????

Nancy, Mark, Jessica and Megan Clay, Becca Schmidt, Dani Brown, Nanette & Wayne Judd, Cathy & Godfrey Kaonohi, Misty & Puna Sanico, Alex Alba, Chubby Kahapea, Eva Hubbard, Nalani & Hawley Manwarring, Kuu, Shar & Kawika, Rochelle, Brianne, Phil & Leilani Longbons - the BEST family members and travel companions one could EVER have. Love them to bits.

Can't wait to post some pictures!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Aloha 'Oe

Leaving tonight for our ohana trip to Scotland. Very much looking forward to it.

Upgrades came through on the outbound.

One day and night in London - seeing my Alfie Boe on Saturday night!

Then flying to Edinburgh for a weeklong adventure with 25 family members. We will get a sense of where our common ancestor, Thomas James Mossman, came from.

Looking forward to it!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Steve Jobs.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Not Now!

Trying to get ready for our Ohana Trip. 3 more days...

Last night Gabe's car (or rather Gene's car that he let's Gabe drive) breaks down in Kailua - either a tie rod or tire rod - couldn't really understand which. Gene's calling Mike the Mechanic to take a look at it. If its too much to fix then we'll dump it.

The one thing is Gabe is very busy and has a million rehearsals back-to-back. I asked him if he knew how to spell B-U-S P-A-S-S.

Knocking on wood that no other last minute (and costly) details crop up...

Focusing on the positive - only 4 days and a wake up til my Alfie Boe.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Yup I sure have been when it comes to posting. But I have been busy.

Last week was tradeshow. This weekend Carly and Lehua came over. Will post pictures later. It was great to have them - but 4 girls with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a bit much ;)

We went out to dinner last week for George's birthday.

Went to see Phantom of the Opera last Friday night. Gene and I both enjoyed it and are so glad that Gabe has the opportunity to be in it and work with such talented performers!

Trying to get ready for next week's trip to Scotland - still some loose ends to tie up.

Feeling very grateful for everything. I am Heavenly Father's favorite.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Here again. For 5 hours.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Went to Opening Night. Gabe does not have a large part - but he does terrific in the scenes he is in - dancing mostly.

The voices in the show are AMAZING! So much talent here in Hawaii.

And like his experience last year with Director Ron Bright, this play stretches Gabe - giving him opportunities to kick it up a notch as he performs with experienced adult performers.

21 performances total for the show of which 20 are already sold out.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Second Email from Gene in China

Have a little time before we head out, so I thought I would talk a little more. You are probably asleep now so you will get this when you wake. Our guide Peter has been very nice, he is very knowledgeable and he speaks very good English. Yesterday Wendell stayed at the farmers house because he over did the hike and sprained his knee. It was a difficult climb, so it was good he stayed back. This morning he felt good enough to go with us up the mountain. There are a lot of people here in Beijing. King's Joy hotel is about a five minute walk to the Forbidden City. We are leaving most of our luggage here at the hotel while we travel to Xi'an. We will only take our backpacks. I think the guys are glad the hiking is over. Our driver, Shao doesn't speak English, but he is friendly. Here in the hotel they have an aquarium with red fish, it is large, very colorful. Last night we had BBQ trout, it was good. We've had an array of food, most I was familiar with. Miss you, like I said I will try to email you tomorrow.

First Email from Gene in China

I am glad everything is going okay and that everyone is safe. The hiking portion of the trip is over, beautiful country. I must admit the hiking was much more arduous than I thought it would be. Monday was Paul's birthday and Gary bought him a wonderful cake. It was very nice of him. Tonight Gary is going to buy us dinner. The food has been fantastic. It is a little different than the Chinese food in Hawaii, but very good. Tuesday we stop at a restaurant for dinner, when we finished and walking back to the car there was a three foot black and red snake at the entrance to the restaurant, a little excitement for the day. The weather has been great. After the hike yesterday, back at the farmers house, it started to thunder and lightening, it rained most of the night. You did a wonderful job scheduling this trip. I thank you very much. We are going to Xi'an after dinner. Will try to write tomorrow night.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

30 Days and Counting

Leaving for Scotland on Oct. 6.

Can't wait!

Monday, September 5, 2011


So this is a picture of Gene and 3 of his buddies in China. The 4th guy is taking the picture. Looks like they could be anywhere really.

Got 7 emails from him when he was enroute to China but none since arriving. I think they are starting Day 3 of their hike of the Great Wall of China. What an adventure they must be having!

The guy who sent the photo (to his wife who forwarded it to me) - he said lots of steep steps which can make ones knees ache...

Hope all goes well.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I was so excited the other week when my cousin emailed me telling me she was pregnant. She is already the BEST mom to 2 little girls.

Sadly, she emailed me on Wednesday to tell me she had miscarried :(

Love her lots and am sad.


One week til Opening Night. Gabe is busier than ever - rehearsal nightly til 10:30 - almost full day rehearsals on the weekend.

The show has been extended until Oct. 16 AND its sold out on many nights.

I usually try to go to every performance - but this one has steep ticket prices ($45). So I am going opening weekend (2 nights) and maybe 1 more time...if I can get tickets.

Great Weekend

Gene left yesterday for 10 days. Hiking the Great Wall of China. No phone or email contact for 8 days.

I am sure he will have a GREAT time on the GREAT Wall. He is in GREAT shape. He is going with some GREAT friends.

Can't wait til he gets back - can't imagine the experience.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Spoke too Fast

Hannah's seizures - back again. :(

Thursday, August 25, 2011


“When we have sampled much and have wandered far and have seen how fleeting and sometimes superficial a lot of the world is, our gratitudegrows for the privilege of being part of something we can count on—home and family and the loyalty of loved ones. We come to know what it means to be bound together by duty, by respect, by belonging. We learn that nothing can fully take the place of the blessed relationship of family life." - President Thomas S. Monson

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Will Happen?

A dear friend of ours died today. She had been sick for quite a while. She had asked Gene to conduct her funeral. Her family is going to the mortuary tomorrow to make the arrangements.

If they arrange for the funeral between September 1-11 then he has decided he will not go to China on his Great Wall Hiking Trek.

I am so proud of him for making that decision. Like he said - the Great Wall is not going anywhere...

And maybe things will work out...

But if they don't he is perfectly fine keeping his word to his dear friend.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Magic Formula

I think we might have found it!

After 1 1/2 years of medication cocktails I think Hannah's neurologist has finally hit gold. He adjusted the dosages on Wednesday and...


Keeping our fingers crossed on this one.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Growing Up

Michelle attended her first church dance on Friday night. Fortunately, Gabe attended too (wearing his fake glasses cause he says girls like nerds)
She was so excited - she wore a new black skirt, sandals she borrowed from Leo and she even wore a little bit of lipstick.

She did not dance - she said she wouldn't before she left - but she LOVED the refreshments (chips and m&m's) and was happy they played the song Thriller. She wanted to hear her favorite song Firework but they didn't play it.

All in all a great night for this young lady.

Monday, August 8, 2011

She Said

I told Michelle that Hannah had to sit by me because Hannah has seizures and might need help.

Michelle said, “What kind does she have? Epileptic or tonic-clonic? I have absence seizures - when my eyes go back and forth really fast and I can’t talk. That’s me having a absence seizure.”

She learned this watching youtube on her Ipad.

And they said she’d never walk or talk…

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Branching Out

I started a very different blog.

I'll continue this one but the new one is in a different vein.

Creative outlet of sorts...

Come pay me a visit at

Monday, July 25, 2011


Gene - not me. He got a shot at the Dr. today and antibiotics. Hope he gets to feeling better soon. I leave tomorrow night for meetings in L.A. - timings not great...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trauma Drama

Michelle's EEG - she was so nervous - didn't like the monitor sound, didn't like the hospital bed going up and down, didn't like the blood pressure cuff, didn't like the pillow, didn't like the finger monitor, didn't like the curtain, didn't like the hospital bracelet, DID NOT LIKE THE I.V. at all!!

Of course she slept thru the actual EEG and LIKED the popsicle she got in the recovery room. We knew she was okay when she asked for "10 piece McNuggets, large fries and a medium Sprite from McDonalds".

Won't know results until the dr. calls but GLAD that procedure is over!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Committed & Admitted

Wonderful having Jacob home - at least for a bit...

By that I mean he is busy catching up with old friends - not the least of whom is Sam, his sweet girlfriend.

Yesterday they went to the zoo, Ala Moana, 2 movies - Harry Potter 7 and Captain America, and hung out a bit here and then with her parents.

Today I think he's sleeping - he says he's still on Idaho time.

Getting ready to take Michelle to the hospital for her sedated EEG. The I.V. part will be the trauma. She's nervous.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What a Day

A wonderful one - could hardly focus on cleaning and prepping - was so excited about Jacob coming home.

His plane was about 20 minutes early - but we were all there waiting with a big welcome home sign and tons of lei! More than at graduation.

Came home and Azeema did a beautiful job of decorating using all the lei.

About 35 people came over for dinner and to welcome Jacob home. Featherans, Soliais, Dyches, Dylan, George, Susan, Lakona, Michael Ann, Lily, Kawehi, Skyla, Devin, Joelyn, Manu & Shaina.

Jacob had a wonderful time!

Photos to follow.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Jacob at Salt Lake City airport with our good friend Ricky Soliai who works for Delta there at SLC.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Can't come fast enough.

30 hours from now

He'll be HOME!

It has been such a wonderful blessing having Jacob on his mission. We have seen so much growth in him through his emails and letters over the past 2 years.

Going on this mission has/will change his life forever.

It is not an easy task to set off, at the prime of your life - set aside all ambition, friends, education, entertainment, and life to dedicate 24 months to the Lord and his work. To do so voluntarily, with an eager heart - that is such an amazing thing!

But the blessings are tremendous and eternal. Jacob has been able to develop greater discipline, perseverance, compassion, dedication, selflessness, humility, determination, and reliance on the Lord. These are traits that will make him a wonderful husband, father, student, worker, Church member, neighbor and man.

So proud and so humbled to be the mother of a missionary.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Busy Week to Come

Sunday - Church (I teach a lesson) and Neighborhood Watch meeting
Monday - Work, work, work
Tuesday - More of the same
Wednesday - Jacob comes home then welcome home party for him with about 40 people (what should I cook???)
Thursday - Work meeting early then Michelle & Hannah to neurologist
Friday - Michelle's sedated EEG

Friday, July 15, 2011

Coming Home!

5 More Days!!!

We've invited some folks over for dinner -
Sam and her family
Manu & Sipi
Skyla & Devin
Kawehi & Michael Ann
Steve & Azeema
Susan & George

He won't see the Stake President for his release until 10:00 p.m. - should make for an interesting evening.

Can't wait!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Count Down Continues

1 week til Jacob comes home


2 weeks and 1 day til Les Mis with Ruth Ann at Ahmanson Theater in Los Angeles.

Can it get any better???????

Monday, July 11, 2011

Jacob's New Car

Or rather, Gene's car that he will let Jacob drive.
What can I say? We got a thing for 1990-1991 Toyotas.
This is our 4th.
Its in excellent condition, 81,000 miles and was $1,400.

Gabe wants to trade the one he drives for this one.
Uh - I don't think so.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

He's In!

Paliku Theater
Windward Community College
Sept. 9 - Oct. 9, 2011
Gabe Wright - as Slave Master/Lead Male Ballet Dancer/Ensemble

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I Wonder What the Neighbors are Thinking?

Gabe - outside washing his car - with the radio on - singing - not rock music, not rap, not hip hop - he's singing - show tunes at the top of his lungs.

A Reminder

15 more days!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Barbecued ribs and chicken
Turkey Burgers
Shrimp Kabobs
Corn on the cob
Olives Pickles
Strawberries and cream on shortbread

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Some Days


The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On

and crashed into We All Got Problems, before coming to a complete stop at

Get Over It. Suck it up cupcake! Life doesn't revolve around you!

Any complaints about how we operate can be forwarded to


This is Dr. Sniffle reporting LIVE from Quitchur Gripin'...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Served for a Change

What a WONDERFUL surprise I had last night!

George (Susan's boyfriend) made dinner for me! Great Mexican food (using his secret family recipes).

And while George was cooking Susan cleaned - she even cleaned my fridge.

And while George cooked I took a nap!

What a wonderful evening and what wonderful people they both are.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Best Present

My friend Lani (who lives around the corner) went to visit her grand baby in Idaho and had dinner with Jacob and sent me this picture!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wishes DO Come True

Delivered Today!
I love Gene.
(Next time I'll wish for a car!)

Monday, June 20, 2011

This Week

Should be nice and easy - with excitement at the end.

Susan leaves Wednesday for a quick trip to Catalina where she will meet George's family - not sure what to read into that!

Saturday is cousin Bryson's grad party. He is such a GREAT kid - can't wait to celebrate with him.

Gabe comes home Saturday night - he said he bought himself a sword in Rome - hmmm.

And Saturday is my birthday!

Countdown Continues

30 days
8 hours
40 minutes



Let the excitement begin.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Michelle and the Cup of Water

I asked Michelle to bring me a cup of ice water.

She got the cup, went to the fridge, got the ice from the ice maker then filled the cup with water and started bringing it to me.

As she walked toward me with the cup she said "Oh by the way Mom there is a bug in this water."

Me - "Well throw it out and make a new one".

Michelle - "Oh no I'll just get the bug out - the water will be fine".

Of course I made her get a new one - although she couldn't understand why that was really necessary.

Long Day

We went to a baptism this morning then came home and Gene did some handyman work around the house while I worked on my Relief Society Lesson for tomorrow. The girls just played around the house.

This evening we went to an activity at the church - potluck dinner - then came home.

While it doesn't seem like we did much today it sure feels like it was a long day...

Tomorrow is Father's Day so I'll be up early. And I still have to put the finishing touches on my Relief Society lesson.

Friday, June 17, 2011

For My Birthday I Want

Is this not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

No - Not Again!

Today I got a call from Michelle's teacher. Apparently Michelle had 2 "episodes" today that look a lot like seizures.

No good news.

Hannah's seizures are still 30+ per day and are more intense. She takes a cocktail of medications that keep being tweaked but still are not working.

Don't know how we'll handle TWO with seizures.

Anyway, I'm trying to get Michelle in to see the neurologist as soon as possible...that in itself is quite a trick - we usually have to book appointments 2 months out!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gabe's Saga

So Gene dropped Gabe off at airport Monday at 5:00 p.m. for his trip to Europe.His flight was supposed top leave at 7:50 p.m. for Newark then after a 6 hour layover he was supposed to go on to Rome.

His first flight cancelled due to mechanical issues. The next flight they had available that could take all of the group was at 4:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

Today he calls me from Newark - he's still there - they missed the connection to Rome! So they have had to stay in Newark. They now split the group - he and 6 others are supposed to leave on an Alitalia flight later today.

Oh and his bags are somewhere...

His attitude is good! Glad he's having these experiences.

As a seasoned traveler I've learned its all part of the journey and makes for GREAT stories later. It's all good.

And, like I told him, "Rome will still be there when you arrive!"

But these kinds of hassles is the main reason I never travel during the summer unless I absolutely have to.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Getting Gabe Ready

Gabe leaves on Monday for 2 weeks in Europe. I left today for 3 days in Milwaukee so before I left I had to get Gabe ready to go.

Had to make sure he packed what he was supposed to pack. Gave him his euros. Made sure he has enough $ on his debit cards. And warned him that his room better be clean by the time he leaves!

He will come home on my birthday! What a great gift!

38 Days

We got the official letter from President Cannon, President of the Idaho Boise Mission. Jacob will be coming home on Wednesday July 20, 2011. He will arrive at 2:41 p.m.

We are so looking forward to seeing him.

President Cannon reminded us that this is a special time for Jacob - these last few weeks will be filled with wonderful experiences and unforgettable times.

I had asked Jacob how he felt at this time - he wrote:

"as far as my feelings about the mission and it ending......
right now i feel like....that feeling you get when you are trying to finish up that essay or research paper 10 minutes before the bell is about to ring because you thought you did everything but forgot a few details that you want to add in.
as for leaving....its kinda like when you go on a trip and have a ton of fun but cant wait to get home at the end of it. the trip was great, but getting home is awesome."

Wonderfully put.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Our nephew (Gene's side) Greg's 3 year old son Bryson (better known as Buffalo) was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma. He has a malignant tumor in his abdomen as well as cancer in his bone marrow and bones.

He will get five rounds of chemo and then surgery to remove what's left of the tumor followed by another round of chemo. After this he will get a bone marrow transplant and then radiation. He has also been accepted into a study that will allow him to receive Antibody Therapy which has upped his prognosis by 20-30%

The little guy starts his road to recovery today with his first round of chemotherapy.

All prayers are appreciated.

Bryson and his family - he's the guy in the middle.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Good Medicine

I have a super bad cold.

This morning I decided I'd hurry and clean the house, do the wash and then go back to bed.

I did and was sleeping soundly when I was awakened by the phone. Ugh!

But it was my cousin Leilani in Florida and she was just calling to say hi and howzit going and we talked for about 15 minutes and it was just what I needed to make me feel better.

Why? Because Leilani is such a positive person - nothing gets her down - not her cancer which she has been battling for years, not her back problems which leave her incapacitated sometimes, not the fact that her husband is out of work.

Amazing lady.

But then I got to thinking maybe these things do get her down at times and she chooses to deal with them by lifting others with her positive inspirational spirit.
Either way - it's good medicine.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

This Week

Gabe comes home tomorrow night.

Girls in school all week.

A bit of work to do each day - not too much though ;)

Get ready for departure next Saturday - Milwaukee til Tuesday morning. Just me this time.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Baltic Sights

Stuff we ate.

Islands between Helsinki & Stockholm

Our cabin is top right window next to the ladder

Sky at 11:30 p.m.

Sky at 1:30 a.m.

I would definitely go back to the Baltics - maybe rent a house on one of those islands for about a week and just relax...spend a couple of days in Stockholm (which I think is now my 2nd favorite European city - after Budapest)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


We had a wonderful weekend in Helsinki and Stockholm (and most especially on the cruise between these 2 cities). My bag dropped on the floor and my camera inside broke :(

I only have stale photos from my phone - which I will post later.

Everyone survived back home. Gabe is in Utah til next Monday and Jacob comes home in 48 days!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday I had a full day conference I was coordinating for ACECH - with Mayor, Lt. Governor AND Governor all speaking. I also had to get Gabe ready to fly out, get the girls out of school early, get Gabe to the airport AND then take the girls to Girls Club! Oh I forgot - I also had to go to the dentist!!!

I am happy to report - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

The conference went off without a hitch - except the Governor was late but no biggie.
Gabe and Lakona got to the airport in plenty of time and are now in Utah until June 6.
I did get to the dentist.
Gene picked up Michelle which saved me a stop.
Had 30 minutes to spare before Girls Club - so visited with Brandi and took a 5 minute nap.
Whew! Home by 8:30!

Girls Club was awesome. It is 1 Wed. per month at Easter Seals and is a Club for girls with intellectual disabilities - they play games, have dinner, etc. It is the perfect place for Michelle and Hannah. Finally - they have FRIENDS!

Today we leave for Helsinki - back on Tuesday. Can't wait to sleep on the plane!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Michelle's Car

Michelle got a plasma car for her birthday.
Luckily it has a weight limit of 200 lbs. because lots of grownups rode it.


George (Susan's boyfriend)



And finally


Special Recognition

Hannah got a Special Recognition Award at school last week for Resiliency! She sure has displayed resiliency as she's faced the challenges of seizures, classroom changes and a psycho teacher!

Hannah & Mom & Dad

Hannah & Aunty Leo

Hannah & Mrs. Juliet - the WONDERFUL teacher (not to be confused with Ms. PSYCHO teacher)
We are so proud of Hannah!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hard to believe it - but she is!

She thinks she looks cool when she winks.

Small Town Local Feeling

Kaneohe has that small town local feeling - and I love it. It was brought home to me once again as I attended Castle High School's graduation last night.
  • Everyone seemed to be there
  • Seemed like Everyone knew everyone else
  • Cars were parking everywhere - on the medial strip, in no parking areas, double parking - and no parking tickets were issued
  • Oh the police were there - enjoying the festivities
  • Everyone cheered for everyone's else's graduate (as the names were called)
  • Samoan, Japanese, Korean, Haole, Hawaiian, Filipino names called out with perfection
  • Only about 1000 people had actual tickets for the event but many more arrived early and stood around waiting to rush the field to congratulate their graduate
  • You could never bring enough lei to this graduation - after you give to everyone you know you want to give to the kids who don't have as many
  • At 9:00 the graduates are driven through Kaneohe town on buses bound for Project Grad Night activity. The streets are lined with folks wishing them well.
I love Kaneohe.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gene's 60th

We had a great time in Phoenix and Utah for Gene's birthday. Here's one picture - blurry - from our final morning.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

PaRTy Day

Lots of reasons to celebrate at the beach today -

birthdays (3!)

Love it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Conversation

Hannah talks to herself. Here's how it went this morning -

Hannah 1 - "Come on - change your clothes"
Hannah 2 - "Maybe you're not my boss."
Hannah 1 - "Hey don't give me that attitude?"
Hannah 2 - "Hannah - Tell her to get ready."
Hannah 1 - "You better get ready"
Hannah 2 - "Who said you can tell me what to do?"
Hannah 1 - "You need to listen"
Hannah 2 - "You're not my boss"
Hannah 1 - "What did you say to me?"
Hannah 2 - "Hannah - Tell her not to say that"
Hannah 1 - "Don't say that"
Hannah 2 - "But I asked you a question - Is today Friday?

To which all I have to say is " Who's on first??????"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So my excitement about the slim chance of seeing the Northern Lights - deflated.

Gene tells me he saw them TWICE - in Utah.

Who'd have thought?

And where was I?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Decision Made

Gene and I cancelled a trip last year and the result was that we each had a $1000 American Airline voucher that we had to spend by a certain date or lose it completely.

We toyed around with lots of possibilities. Criteria for destination was:

1) Earn as many miles as possible
2) Route had to have seats we could upgrade to First
3) Once there, spend as little $ as possible.

And the winner is...
Well not all of the Baltics -
Finland & Sweden.

We leave 26 May for Helsinki - tour the city on the 28th then embark on a two day cruise to Stockholm.

I know its a little late in the season but...
if I could have my wish...
I'd like to see
The Northern Lights!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Cure

Psycho teacher = Migraine with no end

I want both to

It's up to me to let go of the string.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What A Difference 24 Hours Makes!

Today is a MUCH better day.

Susan came over to take her sisters to the beach.

Gabe only had a two hour rehearsal.

My step-mom called and gave me a needed pep talk.

Gene and I went to a conference where I received the Parent of the Year Award.

They served delicious veggie burgers for lunch at the conference.

Steve and Azeema came to the conference to give me a lei when I got the award.

Came home and Hannah is taking a nap.

And tonight I am going to see Jump! at the Hawaii Theater with my good friend Cynthia and Gabe and his friend Isaiah.

Yesterday - nasty yesterday is almost a memory.


Secret #1 - Laura Boman is not only sweet, she is also a good driver (I guess not so secret)
Secret #2 - I am going to a luncheon today and getting a big award - Parent of the Year (don't tell the person who turned me in to CPS yesterday)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ginny and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

The worst day of my life was April 9, 1999 - the day we lost our son Michael.

The next worst day was in 2008 when we got some bad news about a relative.

The third worst day was Feb. 28, 1996 when my mother died.

Today is the 4th worst day.

Someone told a lie about me - called CPS and reported that I neglect Hannah and don't supervise her. I know who did it and why. They did it out of pure vengeance because they were mad about a stand I had to take in regards to Hannah.

I may be bossy, pushy and demanding but I am NOT neglectful. I am a good mother.

CPS quickly closed the file when I told them who I thought made the report and why. They actually confirmed my suspicion in an unmistakeable way.

But still - to think someone hates you soooo much that they would try to hurt your family in such a terrible way!

Lots of tears today...Lots of lessons to be learned here...but still...right now - it sucks to be me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aloha 'Oe

Maui Bids Aloha to a True Island Treasure
“Ali‘i” Arlington Chang Passes Peacefully at his Home in Kula

KULA, Maui – Ali‘i Arlington Chang, 69, of Kula, Maui passed peacefully in his sleep on Wednesday, April 13, 2011. A “Celebration of Life” will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ali‘i Kula Lavender. Aliʻi is survived by his son, Forrest Koa Chang.

“Our hearts ache, yet we’re comforted and inspired by Ali‘i’s love and his everyday actions that encouraged us all to live life fully and with aloha,” said Lani Weigert, co-owner, Ali‘i Kula Lavender.

Anyone who knew Ali‘i recognized one thing – he was truly a steward of aloha. “He was an old-school, strong-minded, often stubborn Chinese-Hawaiian farmer,” said Weigert. “Yet he was a gentleman committed to an impeccable work ethic who was in-tune with nature, a magnificent storyteller, and unbeknownst to him, a comedian who was a hoot to be around. Above all, he was wise and gifted,” said Weigert.

Folks who knew Ali‘i would agree that everything he touched flourished and turned to gold. “Maui has lost one of its treasures. We’ll miss him very much, but thankfully, his spirit will live on here at Ali‘i Kula Lavender,” Weigert stated.

The staff of Ali‘i Kula Lavender gathered at Ali‘i’s home on Tuesday night for a crew meeting. “He cooked the most delicious and delectable roast with locally-grown vegetables. We all had such an enjoyable evening together,” Weigert shared. It would be the last time the AKL staff would share an evening with him.

Ali‘i came by his green thumb naturally. He grew up on a 20-acre farm in Kāne‘ohe, O‘ahu. He watched and learned from his grandmother who could grow anything placed before her and had a recipe for every crop. Ali‘i would often say, “she made me express art in whatever I did.” The beauty of his work can be seen across the farm’s 13-acre stretch. On any given day, Ali‘i could be found nurturing lavender fields with attention to detail and robust charm. Though his lavender beauties are not native to Maui, they have settled on the majestic Kula mountain under Ali‘i’s care, with style and grace.

Back in March 1976, he opened Ali‘i Gardens Nahiku, an isolated community along the winding Hana Highway on the rainy eastern coast of Maui where Ali‘i grew tropical exotic plants with Hana farmer Howard Cooper of Helani Gardens. In 1992, Ali‘i purchased a protea farm in Kula.
In 2001, Ali‘i was given a single lavender plant by his dear friend Emma Veary. One of Hawai‘i’s most respected vocalists of all time, Veary to this day is affectionately known as “Hawai‘i’s Golden Throat.” Ali‘i planted the herb with the best of intentions and it truly took off! He transformed that farm into his own lavender wonderland – a true work of art that Ali‘i Kula Lavender is today.

“Ali‘i prided himself on having an impeccable and ever-changing canvas for all eyes to see and enjoy,” said Weigert. “He took considerable pride in his work and the work of his staff. Of his many traits, Ali‘i was a true perfectionist.”
Ali‘i’s vision was to create Ali‘i Kula Lavender as the premier purveyor of “Sustainable Aloha” through educational stewardship that nurtured the well-being of our island community while contributing to the well-being of the planet for future generations.

At Ali‘i’s request, no services will be held. A celebration of his life will be held on July 9, a day when Ali‘i, Weigert and their staff plan to hold their First Annual Sustainable Aloha Summer Festival.

Further, the Ali‘i Chang Foundation will be established to provide scholarships for Native Hawaiians pursuing skills training in agriculture and for agricultural education in our local schools. Scholarship recipients should embody the very qualities Ali‘i possessed including a strong work ethic, as well as innate and natural skills in growing plants, flowers, trees and food crops. Applicants should also have an eye for design, a commitment to aloha, hospitality and “aloha ʻāina” or “love for the land.” More information will be posted at

For more information or to make a donation to the Ali‘i Chang Foundation, please contact

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Still Holding My Breath

Haven't gotten Jacob's email yet :(

The Hulk

The "new" car's license plate reads PWG---

So we will call it THE HULK.


PWG=Pro Wrestling Guy=Hulk Hogan=The Hulk

Of course pretty and smart people would have figured it out on their own.

Monday, April 11, 2011

In Demand

Every year I attend a meeting/conference sponsored by the federal government (SAMHSA) about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The meeting is held in various locations around the country and they cover all expenses. I spoke at one of the meetings several years ago.

This year the meeting is in Phoenix in May. Attached to that meeting is another FASD meeting for the Native Expert Panel on FASD, which I sit on. Again, expenses covered plus a very nice honorarium.

Well last week Gene was asked to speak at the big conference! He will speak about FASD from a father's perspective. He'll get his expenses paid AND get a speaker's fee!!!

Thanks Obama (never thought I'd say that in a non-sarcastic way) for a nice getaway for us!!!

I leave on May 9 because my meeting starts on May 10. Gene leaves May 10. Our meetings are over on the 13th and we are flying to Utah for the weekend (it was cheaper for the feds to fly us back with stopover in Utah than coming straight back from Phoenix).

That weekend also happens to be Gene's birthday - so --- what a deal!